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Dark Side Of Obsession

Chapter 2 dark forest

Word Count: 2441    |    Released on: 28/12/2023


ight that I couldn't breathe I almost thought that was

of this dark a

id I end

I gulped. I looked around the very dark surrounding. I can't see anything. It was so

mbering all of it was sca

this my destiny? To be choked by a stra

. I shouldn't cry, right? I mean, this is good. My s

as well as my breath. It was as if my heart was going to come out of m

ched it and it stung. I can already picture the lo

hould I stay or just walk to nowhe

lean on. When I was able to hold a large tree, I im

ightly and my tear

o die at a very young age. I'm still

s over, there is

and waited for my

ame quieter after that. But after a while the leaves made noise again. It's like..

d animal? Or the

I heard a low grow

y an animal. I

e forest making the sleeping birds fly

ir stood on end. The leaf rustling started again. It was

animal will be the ca

way from the tree. I tried to reach the tree and hold on to it but

ntally cut my left thigh making me scream louder. My shout echoed thr

p the wound was. A sharp piece of w

ng rid of the wood but it hurts so much! I

o attack me again. I expected to kill me there w

A wolf has come! And when these two fight over me! I r

e! I realized that I don

thing. And damn, it was alive because I heard it

looked up and realized that the moon was covere

y thigh! I literally jumped when the wolf beside me howled and whimpered

ind it's furry back. It was carrying me and taking me away from

because of the slight pain I'm feeling. I can feel

want to fidget because I know that if I fall I will just ge

ecause it stopped. Now the surrounding

ck. The wood just hit the ground b

pread throughout my body. I writhed in pain and saw that

ent from what I'm used to! I've bee

the one who carried me earlier. They were staring at each other. As if they have the abili

pearances because of the l

gold while the second has blue. It's... amazing. And this is the first time I have seen wolves this huge! From

ns. Both are so big that I think

he blue one looked at me. His ears bent

t n

e just followed his gaze but eventually followed the other as well. Only

choed in the forest where I live! My hair stood up because of the cracking of the bones. I

out from behind the tree... wait... he's that g

loser to me again! How did he get here?!

he's only wearing loose pants now

uestion while still pointing at me. It

l." He looked violently at the ma

Theo but we don't have any

ned to me a

he's ou

't even smell him!" I

r that's why we went crazy." This is a weak promise t

hat is going on. Where are those two wolves that brought me here?

he pain when you choked it but when some

ng, Norman. And I know you

because I haven't smelled him the

what happened to your uncle before. This is e

share with him, the one you felt th


and he walked away from us first. While Theo ju

g at my wound. I also looked down and saw

care of that." He stared directly into my eyes, as if

rms. My cheeks warmed up when I realized that it was naked from the top and

hough I looked at him a few times, I did it an

oys could be cute like this." I l

d Norman who was ahead of us. I thought it was far away from us, but it w

so embar

if you're close to him like t


fter he said this. The

close to someone I didn't know. It's awkward for me. And I'm a boy and I

did Theo die?" Norma

cut off t

and the way he said it was like it was no

alking and looke

el what you are feeling right

at him and tried t

atever he was feeling but I'm pretty he's no

it, No

craft? I'm gonna go and meet Wecc

or not telling this guy not

so noisy

hile that boy in your

down and l

o. He didn't even talk. You can talk,

y the arroganc

man whispered as I looked at h

h he had been locked up in the basement." Theo sai

do tha

in front of their house. What time is it now? Maybe it's near

, he slowly lowered me to the

!" The old man was shocked to see me bloody

living room and probably went to the kitchen. The old man left

he was carrying a white box and my...

y!" He handed me my notebook. I immediat

dent' I lied. I don't want to tell what ha

hized with our bosse

again." It took me a little longer to write because my f

was standing there with a shocked face. Whi


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