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Dark Side Of Obsession

Dark Side Of Obsession



"You're new here so be careful with your movements," the butler of the mansion I'll be working at from now on widened my eyes. I slightly smiled and nodded my head. "You won't meet normal people in this mansion, remember that. You get in here, it's hard to get out." She added. And it bothered me a bit. I wasn't scared though. I've been through worst, this shouldn't scare me at all. She led me to a small room. It was dirty and dusty inside. It looks like it hasn't been entered by anyone for years. I still coughed a little because of the dust that flew when he opened the door. "This room just needs a little cleaning. There's nothing else available downstairs, just this so don't complain." I grabbed my two bags and put them inside the dusty room. Can I really survive this kind of room? Good thing I don't have asthma. I took the small notebook in my pocket and grabbed the black ballpen that I tied with yarn and also tied to the spring of my notebook so it wouldn't get lost. 'Isn't there another room upstairs?' my letter He looked up at me after reading it. I saw as if there were stairs to the top of this big mansion. Maybe there is another room there that I can stay in. The older woman glared at me. "It's not allowed up there. Don't go there unless they call you! Don't be artful, the important thing is that you have somewhere to stay every day!"

Chapter 1 abusive family

Chapter 1

I was born in an abusive family. My father is an addict, my mother, a porn actress, my two brothers are a member of a huge gang in the city. While me, the youngest, stays in our hell house.

At a very young age, I was abused by my own father and brothers. They would beat me if I did something that they don't like. It will hurt immediately if I don't do what they ask me to do.

The young me became aware of the pain. The body is full of bruises and bruises every time you wake up in the morning. Will sleep with tears in the corner of the eye.

I'm used to this happening in my life. It came to the point where I would hurt myself too whenever I'm lonely. I got used to the pain that I started loving it. I got addicted to hurting myself, especially my wrist.

I don't know why I want so bad to hurt myself. Maybe it became my comfort? I don't know. When I see blood running through my wrist, it makes my insides happy.

Maybe I'm crazy, just like my family.

When the butler came out of my future room, I looked around the dirty room. I should clean this room. Even though I was abused before, I still slept clean.

I looked for a broom and luckily I found one under the bed that this room has. The mattress also needs to be replaced because it is very dirty and dusty. Maybe there is something here.

I cleaned the surroundings. Removed the cobwebs from the walls and ceiling. I wiped the window which is so dusty.

How many years has this room been unused? And why are you so dirty?

I continued cleaning, it took me two hours to do. It's almost night. I still need to prepare for what I'm going to cook.

Yes, I am the new cook of this huge house. I don't know what's the reason why the previous cook was dropped from this job. Maybe he or she didn't cook well?

I used to cook at home so I'm good at this kind of work. I can do a lot so they are not a loss to me.

Fortunately, I found some bedsheets in an old cabinet. It is clean because it is enclosed in a thick cellophane, there is also a thin blanket that I can use as well. I have something with me but I won't use it.

I sat on the rather hard bed and looked around the room.

I'm satisfied with the result. It's neat already, this room looks like a new one because of the cleanliness I've done here. The light is fine and working. It's hard if I don't have a light here.

I looked at the time on my small and old cell phone. It's already 5 pm, I should go and cook.

When I left the room, I immediately looked for their kitchen. This house is not that confusing. It's big but not too much. It's just the right size.

I wonder who's my boss here? Because the butler hadn't mentioned it to me before. All he told me was not to make them angry because he said I would be really angry. I have free use of what's in their house, food, water and electricity. The salary that I will receive is 10 every week. That's big too. I will be able to save a lot especially and it will not be much of a problem for me to spend my stay here.

I saw the butler watching tv in the living room and eating ice cream. I knocked on the wall to get his attention. He turned to me and immediately turned off the TV. He raised his eyebrows and put down the ice cream he was carrying and approached me.

As he approached, I took out my notebook and wrote in it.

'I'm going to cook?'

He frowned as he read and nodded.

"Ah, okay, go ahead. Just make sure you cook well, especially since our bosses are coming home from work today, they're sure to be tired. Cook adobo and rice porridge, that's a favorite of both of them."

I nodded to him and wrote again in the notebook.

'Where is the other servant?'

He read it. "No, it's just the two of us. The twins don't want many people to stay in their house. The two are strict. There was someone else before but they disappeared because they made the twins angry."

'Are you comfortable here?' my letter

It shrugged.

"Before, yes. Now not anymore, just a pure assistant."

He waved a hand to let me go.

"Go away, you have so many questions. Maybe that will kill you, son."

I prepared the ingredients. I was amazed because the ref has everything that I needed. I won't have to search anymore because there is everything I need to cook adobo and rice porridge. The old man is probably the one shopping here with them.

I was even more amazed because the kitchen utensils were also complete. It's just dizzying to search and shop because there are so many of them. It hurts my eyes and brain to choose the right one to use.

When I saw that I had everything I would need for cooking, I immediately started.

Cooking became my hobby. I became good at this task because of watching videos online. I make it and prepare it for my family.

While I was cooking, I heard the laughter of the old man who was in the living room and was watching a show that must have been a comedy because he was laughing so loudly. I keep wondering if he can still do that when our bosses are here? Maybe not. Our boss might get angry if he witnessed something like this in his house.

I don't even know what time they come home. The old man didn't mention it because he was excited to be back on TV. Even its name he forgot to share with me. I told him my name but he didn't call me by my name either.

I just shrugged my shoulders and continued cooking. I cook both at the same time so this job is quick. I have also cooked the rice in the rice cooker and it is about to be cooked.

When I was done with everything, I wiped my hand and looked at the little bruises from the oil that had splashed on my hand earlier. It doesn't hurt so it's okay.

I put the cooked food on the wide table. I served it and covered it well so it didn't get cold. Maybe because our boss will be later. Scold me even more because their food is already cold.

I turned to my side when I felt someone standing next to me. I saw the old man curious about what I was cooking which I was currently covering.

"It looks delicious. I didn't taste it, they should be the first to taste the new cook's cooking in their house."

He washed his hands before taking out two small Tupperwares and scooped a dish and placed it there. I wondered.

"It's yours, eat in your room. They don't want anyone else at the same time. We'll be upset if they see us wandering around them while they're eating." He handed me two Tupperware. Now he gave me a plate filled with rice.

He gave me so much. I'm not greedy. In fact I am thin. Very thin. Maybe that's why he gave it to me because I looked so hungry.

I wrote a big 'thank you' in my notebook before I went back to my room. When I entered there, I immediately ate. It's almost six o'clock, you can eat at this time. I should go to bed early today so I can wake up early because I will be cooking again.

After I ate, I sat on the floor of the room on the side of the bed. I bent my knees and buried my face there.

I look so skinny. I like to cook but I can hardly eat because of the family. Sometimes they bring other people so the food will really run out. I will also be scolded if I stay aside because they say their guest has nothing to eat.

After a while, I fell asleep right on the floor and I woke up when the coldness crept into me. I looked for my cellphone and checked the time, 11:23 pm.

I'm thirsty...

I decided to go outside and get some water. I bet the boss isn't roaming around this time in the kitchen. I hope so...

When I got water I immediately drank it. My hand was hanging in the air when I heard a voice. Irritated voice.

"The bîtch really thinks she's good, huh?"

I got chills when I heard the voice talking. Who was it? I slowly lowered the glass I was holding. Trying my best not to make any sounds as possible.

The voice I hear is from cr. There is a cr not far from the kitchen. It was quite far away but I could still hear the voice.

"Can't even suck my dick properly."

Then suddenly, the sound of the door being opened harshly startled me that I dropped the glass I was holding. Creating a very loud noise in the middle of the night.


"Who the hell is that?!"

His voice echoed along with the loud shattering of the glass that fell from my hand. I don't know what to do.

My body trembled because of fear. I told myself I shouldn't feel the feelings I got used to before but now... this guy is scaring me.

What to do? What to do, Ethan?!

I trembled even more when I saw the growing voice. My eyes widened when I saw him. He's... fine. Hey look...

I almost had a heart attack when he came closer to me.

The surroundings are bright because of the light. But it's like he still can't see my face because he came so close to me that it scared me even more.

Is this the boss?!

"Ethel? Is that you? But with short hair?!"

My mouth fell open because of what he called me. I felt something when he said those names. Who is this Ethel again? I'm not Ethel. Why is he calling me Ethel?

I wanted to answer him but I realized... I forgot to bring my notebook to communicate with him. I didn't bring it because I didn't expect to meet people at this time of the night!

I couldn't do anything but shake my head over and over again. I don't know how to answer him. I don't have the ability to speak.

"Norman would turn into a fûcking psycho once he sees you."

I was confused by what the man was saying. If he can talk to me, it's like he knows me well. It's just casual if he talks to me. Well, I don't know him.

He crossed his arms in front of his chiseled chest. I just noticed that he's very baked in front of me. Wearing only his tight boxers. His muscular body is on full show.

"I would warn you while it's still early, Ethel. Get out of here or you are going to see a different version of Norman. I'm being kind here," he leaned on the table.

I felt his eyes checked on me.

"You got thinner. No money to fool around, huh?" He smirked. I feel like that was an insult. But not directly for me because I am not Ethel.

His brow furrowed as his eyes narrowed as he looked at my chest.

"And where the hell are your fûcking breasts? You used to have those super huge boobies? Don't tell me those were fake?" It adds.

He thought I was Ethel. But that's not me, I don't even know that. I shouldn't be affected because those words are not meant for me.

"Damn, I can't believe you scammed my idiotic brother. What did it like about you? Your bôobs who seems to be fake? Your face, maybe? You look good. But it's been a long time, 5 years? But you look younger. Have you retouched yet?"

Don't be affected, Ethan. He's saying nonsense.

"Why the hell you aren't talking back?! I look crazy just talking!"

I shook my head because of the fear of suddenly getting angry. It stood upright before me.

"And you even created a mess!" It broke the glass I broke earlier in shock. I bent down and saw that it was scattered there too much. I should clean this up. I turned my back on him and reached for the dustpan and small broom that was just next to me and started to clean it.

"Are you ignoring me, Ethel?"

This time... his voice is darker. Scarier than earlier.

I turned my head to him and shook my head. I wasn't. I was just cleaning up.

"You have a very thick face for you to show up in our house after you hurt my brother. You fûcking bîtch!"

"I still have mercy right now so I'm telling you to run away as far as you can before Norman smells you. You don't know what's his capable of. You don't know him-"

"Theo! Throw that woman right now!"

Another voice echoed in the big house. Who is this again?!

And his voice was even two times scarier than this guy in front of me. My heart beat faster as I remained bent and kneeling on the floor to clean up the spilled glass.

"Theo, I told you I want-" what he was going to say hung up as he looked at me on the floor.

Our eyes met and something passed by in those eyes. What was that? His mouth opened slightly while looking at me.

I heard the man he called Theo groaned in front of me.

"Good luck facing the psycho, Ethel."

Then all of a sudden... I found myself being choked to death by the man called Norman. And a hard slap both on my cheeks. Making me lose my consciousness.

To Be Continued...

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