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EX-MATE:Destined By Fate

Chapter 4 A girl in his bed

Word Count: 974    |    Released on: 26/06/2023

ked around the unfamiliar room. The sheets were tangled, and the room was dimly lit, but through the haze of her hangover, she could make out t

been taken advantage of while she was vulnerable and helpless. She felt violated and ashamed. She searched fran

his arm over her fragile body. She spotted her clothes on the floor closer to the bed. She

. Fear washed over her, she had to hide. B

deep and carried authority. Lilac tried to hide her face. But in

her. His sharp blue eyes held rage, she lowered herself

ake was made. The man before her, who was none other than A

rily, making Lilac flinch, she nodded nervously and struggled to get away

ith murder intent. He watched as the girl crawled out of bed. D

over his face? He scanned himself and the b

or. He prompted on his elbows to see what she was doing. She was naked. He tossed

he get like that, let out multiple curses, he got out of bed and wore his sw



uestions. What had happened between us? Was I safe? I knew that the answers were unlikely to bring me any comfort, but I couldn't help b

e stopped upon seeing me on the floor. Did they plan this? That man w

looking towards the bathroom door. I didn't answer her, my heart was

ting in the same place. With the sheets wrapped around my fragile body. The man came out, his movements were a

ternly as soon as he walked out. I averted my eyes from him, afr

ut,” the lady said nervously and came to help me up.

told. With much difficulty, I managed to stand, although without my crutc

we left. The world outside was bright and harsh, and I couldn

o the previous roo

s stunned how she seemed so anxious. Did they plan this? Only then did I reali

hey mistook me for another. I needed to explain to them. But

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