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EX-MATE:Destined By Fate

Chapter 3 Trap a man

Word Count: 1146    |    Released on: 26/06/2023


y something cold

f off the hard floor. I blinked confused, not su

e-aged woman shouted while splashing water on me. I w

happening, but glancing arou

and, but darn it. I forgot where I put my crutches. The lady frowned disdainfully

lk,” the lady snorted disdainfully and walked to th

so you see his face then we can start,” the w

t she meant. Who was alpha and

m, pl

e living in his house, you should respect me!” The lady spat

here is that blon

f,” the lady cut me off again and dragged me to the dressing table. I was bothered by their constant attitude

his done,” Kate remarked while taking out some fancy dresses and perfumes. I sat there


slippers. Due to my condition with my bent left foot. I was unable to wear any other shoes apart fr

ked down the passageway. She showed me various rooms and explained who they belonge

the party hall, showing me people I didn't know. We were at the top of the stairs watching what was unfolding do

eryone was unique, unfortunately this man had my attention.

pect and admiration wherever he went. With sharp, chiseled features and piercing blue eyes, he was undeniably handsome, with a rugged charm th

g the man. I've heard of him, they said he was the most powerful at a young age. Alejandro's confidence and swagger were undeniable, exuding a sense of

y when the man glanced up, our eyes

addressing him as the alpha? The lady stared at me blankly and led m

the lady pushed the brown door open, revealing a breathtaking

e a glass of water. I stared at her


as frightened; hence I gulped down the l

he show begin,” Kate remarked mischievously and left the room. The door close

and. Unfortunately, I ended up falling on the b

ove, but I couldn't. I patted on the bed try

d open to see who it was. I only saw a man stumbling towar

s eyes. Why was he feeling this way? He felt hot and res

To his surprise, she crawled on top of him. Her touch soothed him. Befo

smooth skin. She seemed to be enjoying his touch because

other's lust. The door to the room closed

e to prepare for the alpha's wedding,”

d girl,” Kelly chimed in la

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