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EX-MATE:Destined By Fate

Chapter 2 Mistaken identity

Word Count: 1365    |    Released on: 26/06/2023

as filled with the sweet smell of blooming flowers, echoing from the countless parks and gardens that dotted the landscape.

elegant stone facades. People strolled along the sidewalk, some with ice cream cones in hand, while others sat o

. The heat of the sun beat down on her, but she was determined to reach her destination. She w

with colors and scents, bursting with carefully arranged bouquets and potted plants. She hobbled towards the door, her movements slow and measur

s Mrs Williams who said as

here," I said trying to ease he

said cheerfully knowing I enjoyed my work more than anyone.

lp," Mrs Williams remarked, she seemed busy that I saw. I al

handed me a card. It was a pass card. I knew at first g

wers at the last minute…I need you to deliver them for me," she explaine

stion frightened me. The fact that it was the most

at first glance…please Lily," Mrs Williams plea

hough I didn't want this. It was

hes, of course. Gage was my best friend. He was 26 years old. He worked for the Moondragon family. Alt

rs Williams shouted at the men getting in the

she handed me my crutches. I nodded at the driv

e and spotted a school bus. A smile crept on my face admiring all the stu

save up enough money and get custody of my lovely daughter. Sophie was 3 years old. A jovial and intelligent l

oondragon Mansion was a grand and imposing sight to behold. It stood tall and proud at the end of a winding driveway, flanked by perfectly manicured lawns and pris

, their fierce expressions suggesting that only the most important and powerful guests were welcome here. The front d

th a breathtaking view of the grand foyer. A grand chandelier hung high above, lighting up the room with a warm, golden glow. The walls were adorned with tapestries and painting

be greeted by a tall slim blonde haired woman. She was wearing a

er person walked in taki

started talking to another woman. This one had dark hair w

ng at me. Both of them, I was a bit uncomfortable thinking I wasn't dre

man said as she walked closer to me. I didn't know what they we

to do…tell Kate to take her to the room and get her ready," the

or else," the blonde warned wi

he best," the chubby one remarked and came to inspect me


he's ready for tonight," the blonde sa

talk and have a beautiful face," the lady she called Kelly said, eyeing me fr

I shouted while banging on the door. The lady took me to a room upstairs and loc

own. Only then did I realize how beautiful the room I was in was

the sides. It was getting dark, I would wait for th

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