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Bitten by the alpha

Chapter 5 A night to remember

Word Count: 757    |    Released on: 27/06/2023

menced. I fought with Zack and

the techniques

s them vulnerable,and in most cases they use all of

on his legs before he had the chance to do anything,he got on his feet try

covering from the impact so I used the opportunity to ki

urts,I wiped my nose,he came for me again and this time I grab his wrist twisting it,I used the opportunity to also

ime I got a hold of his pressure

m,I know weird thing to do but it wo

profusely out

ell”I heard Jakes voice.

t in me,I still had my doubts though ,I arrived yesterday and I’


t attacks we’ve ever faced and I knew who ordered the attack,it was Stan’s father,the

as doing an amazing job,

ne,but he managed to take down to of our gr

st kingdom getting rid of his father,I decided to patrol the territory today with the Se


ay again,at least this time I have control

disagreed at first but I told him he couldn’t be the only huma

,not making a sound or funny moves,out of nowhere you then jump and

Jake, but before I could act, they noticed me. I attempted to fend them off but it was too late,I got stabbed it burnt me I was experiencing an

ere anymore,which was weird,I knew I healed fast due to my pain t

uldn’t warn them we were already under attack,I joined the fight

I could smell them,they

to find him.I went to the garden as I approached I had a

e was gone. Pain and sadness fell over me. I wen

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