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Bitten by the alpha

Chapter 3   Unveiling the Truth

Word Count: 1076    |    Released on: 16/06/2023


now I was confronted by a man named Jake who claimed to be the one who turned me. Confusion and anger swirled within me as I tried to pr

ou really need to meet the man

want to lose

re r


s Stan,I’m r

me back

e arcade close

be there i

him in the arcade

I’m comin

not, what if

ing to los

hat if he tries kidnapping

ight, you'll get

forth for a while I

dibs on

crazy you know

talking let’s go f

controllably. This

cade and I saw J

ght a guest,nic

ch?How do you kn

too shock

verything soon,just follow me le

into the car with you, yo

wed his instructions I d

a pack and he instr

I didn’t turn you I on

sed,what do you mean

r is ruthless and rules with an iron fist the prophecy said you would be his downfall he didn’t want that,he told me to kill you and would stage it making it look like

denly s

?Is my dad

now jak

rld,we were meant to keep you out of this bu

is awesome

out my dad saddened me,I was always told my parents died in an accident bu

efensive telling him he made all this up but he touched

e up, I was i

ent my best friend said

u turn me

ransformation was meant to take place on yo

ing soon,you are p

I was a pup,so that means you wer

d I went against him,I would have been killed,I formed my own pack. Your dad is

ns he knows

es,so why hasn’

transformed yet and we’ll keep it that way,but you have to start training,y

all too sud

pen sooner or later

t was best I moved in,I disagreed at firs

ving to the pack hous

replied yes Sam

Stan but,it’s fine Sa

minutes of talking

ll text you the address see you t

will Sa

e our way bac

crazy S

drawn out of a fictional boo

house,Sam saw his father and

sed; he seemed like he e

and his dad told

chool and we became pretty close,I discovered he was a wol

aise you as mine,we then came up with a plan lying to

ut moving to the pack house,at first he didn’t want Sam

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