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Bitten by the alpha

Chapter 4 The Pack House

Word Count: 973    |    Released on: 16/06/2023

my belongings. Sam and I were moving to the pack house, where I would begin m

that child is just crazy ,we finally fini

supportive smile on his fac

t’s not like we are g

siting you guys”,S

sked, his voice filled with

securely packed. The journey to the pack house felt both surreal a

ken aback by its beauty.It stood tall and

and we were welcome by Jake

the Lucien p

e to some of th

” ,my beta,An

rest of the pack

then ,

wandering off,we just got here and h

s name and h

e do you have a job or

my elbow asking

and told him he

ven our rooms.It was really spacious,I settled in and b

urs ago,I went to look for him using the opportunity to explore my new home ,I finally saw Jake he was having a conversation with one of our pack members. I overheard th

aining ground had different equipment,and there were va

h my wolf. He took off his clothes and transformed into a wolf with dark fur. His wolf st

wolf. My wolf and I had many things in common,the only difference is he was

k informing them I’ll be fighting with them,they fought me in their human form and might I add they are strong,I was pretty tough myself but they did

e'll go again tomorrow”They nodded a


ou’ll get better with t

I rep

hit”,Well I just got

s there” he


d was i

ven win one fi

at Sam,yoy are

de my way to the kitchen I was starving and need to get something to eat,getti

r name is Kate I think

here, how are

of love at

you are not in love

d but extremely tired,I told him I was scared and had my

and tha

d to the gym to train by myse

y J

houldn’t yo

tho,I was like you when I ran away,tho your case is different I

u do it tho

kept pushing and training,you can’t le

me,he agreed and we started,he showed me some

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