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Dreams Fade Away

Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 1347    |    Released on: 31/08/2022

ve with each other. Sure, they had small outbursts and fights here and t

ected me and my siblings. We had experienced love first hand in

Harper, but in a different way. It would be pretty easy for me to say

erstand where he was coming from. He didn't know any better, he never

t his life with his mate would be more than difficult. I can only imagine how frightened he must have been when he had found out

if I let go of everything for a few second

the situation from different angles and excuse his behavior using va

rt me and his mission

t that wouldn't be right. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I let the bond wor

m, not right now, at least

es, the very same eyes I had fallen in love with and told him,

had to strengthen myself. I knew I would feel this way and I was prepare

nk," I took a deep breath and ran a frustr

muscles tensing at my words. "I think it woul

erate and was just grasping for straws now. Anyt

if we were still salvageable. I just d

said, "I th

or whatever, I knew what t


y bare thighs. I wouldn't have worn a short skirt if I h

men present for their regular checkups. I was pretty sure none of their reasons for coming to the hospital was half as entertaining or dramatic

no idea what I

f I occupied my mind with something else, the irony

me and couldn't help but wonder how drastically

dea to not disclose anything to anyone about what had happened. So, Samantha and Aiden had no idea what kind of storm was brewing

and only if the baby was Harper's. We hadn't exactly planned anything because I jus

itting in the waiting room of a hospital, eagerly waiti

in her hand and had been calling out the names of people to check in for their

felt sweat form in various parts

nurse smiled at them. "The doctor will see you both in a couple of

ind both of them looking at me, gauging my reaction. Looking at the both of them together, r

s. I mean, I shouldn't have, but I did. Seeing them distraught and out

he could, Harper gave me a subtle nod and walked away

r down the bend in the hall. I just couldn't bear to look at ei

the fuck am

eral people from the pack. They tried more to sought my eyes and gav

I scoffed at

ome to know that their alpha had impregnated anoth

ret. It wouldn't do any good to publicise this situation befo

he future alpha thi

d playing with it. Anything which could not make me t

t are you

my hands at the sound

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