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Dreams Fade Away

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 1735    |    Released on: 31/08/2022

sand and my circumstances seemed like a cruel joke of life. I would do anything to rewi

but I watched her sleep for a really long time, how her hair moved with every breath she took and how her naked c

us would be alright right now. Who am I kidding? I fucked up and I fucked up real bad. I

gs were taking me, if they were even moving. I had completely zoned out a

could still picture her face as she asked me to mark her, how amazing it sounded w

ther female, he wanted me to wait for our mate, and being the douchebag I am, I didn't listen to him. I could feel him somewhere in the deep recesses

that's just putting it mildly. Her eyes were red and she was now softly sobbing. These three

tion. She did catch me hooking up with someone at a party and confronted me about it. How our fight lead to tearing

her reasons became clear, I was shamed of myself. She was worried that she had ruined a lifetime of friendsh

up to Zara. I needed to talk to her am explain everything. Things I hadn't told her yet, about me and my life.

screamed at me, which pulled m

talie again. "Let me talk to her first." She nodded, without looking up to meet my eyes. She put her head in her hands a

tch her. I had no idea if she would listen to

r parked in the driveway is nowhere to be seen. Well, if Aiden le

to shift and make my way to Zara's home through the woods. It would definitely take less time

wn two feet, still in human form. Well, that's just great! My wolf couldn't have chosen a better t

mp in the driver's seat. I spot my leather jacket in the passenger's seat and immediately thank my sta

forgot I had given it to Zara because she had been feeling cold a few nights ago. W

er to reach Zara's place as fast as I possibly could. Various

d into her driveway and wonder if he was the one dropped her. It has seemed to become a

it as soon as I could. I leaned against the

with Aiden's keys dangling from her hand. So, she did drive h

oulders and walked around the car and into her line of view. She must h

r eyes practically bulged

must have snapped out of her daze because she nervously tucked

he already knew what I was going to ask her. "She doesn't want to see you." Her voice came out smal

ly got in to Aiden's car and drove

didn't mean that it hurt any less. It sounded so impersonal as if she and I didn't spend so much time together,

blem at

ors. I had no idea if her parents knew anything but after what I had ex

the door, her brother would do too. Anybody but her father. If he came to know

ce of my mate's mother standing at the door

asked me in her usual chirpy voice an

ng to play it cool. "Just

told me you were still sleeping

adn't tol

harming smiles while my insid

dly a blush rose up to my cheeks at how brazen sh

ed me out again. I turned around to face

was anything like that go

rest of the stairs, I walk

eat on the other side of

a few seconds before. She knew I was here, in t

ped the doorknob. No point in

oes no

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