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Dreams Fade Away

Chapter 3 No.3

Word Count: 2237    |    Released on: 31/08/2022

moment I felt Harper standing on the other side of the door to my bedr

lead me and look where th

creates messes and apologises thereafter. Well, this time it wasn't any small

lationship. It felt as if I was crossing some sort of checkpoints and alread

to face the person I loved, not sure how I would be able t

a flustered Harper. The sight of him made my heart soar and

it fast because I don't think anything he

greeted with hugs and kisses because he

d warmed up to him. The thought irked me beyond limits but my thoughts came to a ha

tep he took in my direction. I took a deep brea

the sense to leave som

y. He was looking at the door and I was watching him

finally looked at me. I wanted to forget everyth

, that's what everyone says. " You're m

mething meaningful, someth

air once again, messing it up even more. I bunched my hand in

how frustrated he really was. Frustrated

ve problems conceiving with their mates?" What h

low?" I weakly nodded. He had told me this after I had asked him why he had slept around with everyone

y at all. I had this uneasy feeling in my body and I knew w

spoke. "Well, my parents did too. They loved each other so much, according to my g

animalistic instincts take over most of the t

as a rhetorical question and he didn't

and ensure the survival of their species. The males of any species alway

eir wolves make them want to have babies, to create pups. It's pretty

they decided to try for their own pups." Harper out air quo

knew they loved each other and promised that they would get through everythi

was high time to have pups after three years." Harper turned his head and his green orbs s

't sure I wanted to know. I didn'

went on. "My father was 40 years

gasped out loud. 17 years?! Harper's parents

ally when a werewolf is mated with a human. I felt a tear slip from my eye at the thought of what we would have t

t me doing that but he made no move

r ten fucking years. They loved each

ht my dad sleeping with a widowed pack member." I

my mother should have, they started sleeping with other unmated wolves in the pack." I didn't kn

y times when she mated with other pack males. The same with my dad." His expressi

ad's room. She took up residence on another floor, far away from

t was so

on't want to imagine. Your wolf shuts you out when you sleep with someone other than your mate and when it happens for too long, your connection to your wolf

fertile, per her monthly periods." Harper gulped and I could see tears shin

my dad. My mom had to go through a paternity test to make sure whose baby it was. They

ll strong as ever. They made me believe in love and I could understand how the opposite had worked for Harper. If my

ived but my mom didn't. She slept with other males even when I was

heir life sleeping around, when they should have cared for each other. H

. I don't know why, I don't know how but I know that she didn't. He loves her so much and she jus

any magic between my parents whatsoever. I have always seem them fighting. They used to fight so much,

en eyes crying over his parent's fights and running in the woods to

ipe away the tear and I let him. I leaned into his touch

parents before that. Stories like these aren't really a secret. Everyon

ents did and so their love and closeness meant nothing to me. Other mates didn't exactly set a good example for me. In fact,

s of will power for me to stay away from you. My dad made me realize how unstable our relationship could be in

ng from. I knew he was right. I knew that I had to let you go, let you fall in lo

hest ache. I could only imagine how it would feel t

even when I reached and stroked her wolf's desire, I knew she didn't want to betray you. But in some twisted way, I thought I could hurt you by sleeping with o

front of me. He slowly took my hands in

I lov

e you

n't speak them but I'm sure my eyes

nd and I leaned into his embra

, silently askin

nto me. Don't

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