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Cursed (The Broken Immortals Book 2)

Chapter 4 FOUR

Word Count: 1664    |    Released on: 31/08/2022

d through the kitchen, straightening her skirt, blew the little ora

’d look alright in a potato sack. Besides, he’ll be here to work, not to stare at you

at she could never smooth down as she caught her reflection in the wind

on, Sofia felt her cold fingertips.

ra’s shaking hand pressed against

ook her head. “There isn’t anything wrong with you. This i

om her face. The louder they became, the faster her heart raced. “He’s he

fia tapped her little nose with her finger to draw back her attention. “Trust me; he’s going to figure out a way to cat

ppose I can make myself useful in the meantime.” The chain wiggled under her finger

r knife to the window. “You wanted to get your garden started. Why don’t you ask

Ben wasn’t there. The crunchy grass bent under the soles of her shoes as she inched across the yard, where Shaw was digging

but this soil is no good.” Something caught his gaze past Imara, and he nodded his chin. “Ben, you

s balled into fists to hide how they shook when she heard

eyes moved all over her as he laid his hand on the shoulder of the ol

as he reached out his hand to Imara. “My pleasure, Mi

of air left Ben’s mouth as he kick

ou, both.” The thrill of his skin against hers was too much of a temptation,

as he pushed it away and inch

came by and motioned with hi

as she crossed her arms and watched them turn

her finger while he disappeared through the kitchen


. From the other side of the kitchen window, Imara peeked through the curtain at Ben and his fath

s nose let her know before she even turned aro

the counter, and her little feet swung back and forth like a kid on a sw

e that’s normal. You’re a grown woman, for crying out loud; they ca

as she passed by Imara. “He seems as backward as you are, t

smile, then set the tray on the picnic table. “Here you go, fellas. You must be mighty

ins, so she hid beside Sofia so she couldn’t see h

“Miss Parker, do you think you’d like to go to the fair with us this weekend? We got a me

of his mouth when he figured out the plan he was forming. A hand came to Imara’s ches

as Sofia nodded her head to

tongue as she set out the rest of the food. “That was awful kind to ask her, but I’ve been wi

eyes rolled around the dark room, illuminated only by the sun through the open doorway as the wise old man tipped his head to get a look inside the

aised his eyes to Imara. “What’s on your mind, Imara?” His finger

elt a bit guilty for even bothering them. “The Logan’s

his nose as he dumped his pipe

ed at the charm on her necklace. “You

the table creak as he stood up straight. “Pardon

face her. “Imara, we’ve been over this about a million times in a million different w

you know what?” A little shaking finger pointed at them as her teary ey

and Sofia sighed when she noticed the disappointment on her

e. “Um, thank you and all, but Thorin reminded me we have other… he said no.” L

he kitchen door. “That poor girl. I know you can’t tell with all their n

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