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Cursed (The Broken Immortals Book 2)

Chapter 2 TWO

Word Count: 1282    |    Released on: 31/08/2022

ired beauty pressed her hands against her back and stretched

m her newest complaint as it lingered in the air of the sultr

sighed as her fat red lips pouted. “Please tell me there’s some kind of proper shoppin

nap at his ordinarily pleasant sister. “I understand it isn’t easy for a young woman t

h the trees, and he nudged he

ing the sandy driveway presented them with an old white-washed French Colonial. She gasped and threw her hand dramatically

eman’s perfectly combed hair fell over his eyes as he jumped down from the seat, and he gave his c

er hands patted it down, and her eyes darted aro

nch of the dusty old house that was closed up too long poured from the door, and Imara coughed as she swatted it away

eaned across the buggy and grabbed her bag fr

p the stairs and tossed her bag into her arms. “Here you go.” His hands rested on his hips as he smiled and inched away. “Now, when y

he crossed over the threshold and glanc

waved it around the rooms as she passed through each one, peeking through one eye while

removed from the furniture in his arms when she

as she nodded. “I got a good feeli

ried a trunk through the door on his shoulder l

er side of the foyer and waved h

got Shaw’s attention, and he glanced up to see her smiling

laid a crate on the table. His red handkerchief blotted the sweat off his bald

if she were praying he’d say yes. “I do. M

his neck and wagged his finger. “Don’t go falling in love wi

ed her lips in disappointment. “Who’s going to

he lifted it to meet his eyes when he bent

d and shoved her fists on her hips as she narrowed her eyes at the two of them.

hind her ear and stepped out the side door

g shake of his head. “You’re far too old to have Shaw dictating

est and scoffed at the thought of

he grit of his teeth and placed it on his shoul

and pointed at Shaw. “You’re not her father or any kind of

but Shaw didn’t care what anyone thought. “I’ve been watching over

horin was inspecting the home. With his arms crossed, Shaw shook his head and inched away from the limb sticking ou

n he bent over laughing. “I never thought I’d live to see the day!” He sighed and wiped the te

his hand into his arm and push

e sun as she peeked down the driveway. A wagon with a lone rider stopped in front of them, and t

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