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Cursed (The Broken Immortals Book 2)

Chapter 3 THREE

Word Count: 1257    |    Released on: 31/08/2022

ning charging through the ground between them, straight to the young witch’s nerves. S

f his perfect muscles through his dirty, tattered shirt. Every step closer h

gh his hair to catch a better glimpse of her magic. A hot breeze caught her body, and it carried the scent

ffer his hand to the man beside her, Ben lifted

is family runs the farm right down the road from us.” Dark eyes burned with jealousy as they minded every movement Thorin m

ould catch each piece as it fell to the ground, and his eye

stomach, and her hand slapped to her chest as she waved

Mr. Logan. This lovely creature standing beside me is my sister.” She wiped her eyes with her finger

ded to the house. Every primal instinct Ben possessed kicked into gear when her

ealized he was watching her move. She glanced back over her shoulder to find his eyes

ide of a cup before Sofia draped it over her s

ra touched his shoulder. “Sofia, this is Ben Logan from the farm down the lane.” It left behind a cold ache that seeped deep

umb motioned over his shoulder without ever taking his ey

azing at each other in front of her and nodded to the kit

hroat when he caught her. The alabaster skin on her face became the deepest shade of pink as she blinked

and disappeared, she fanned her face and tur

rested her chin on the top of Imara’s head.

chest, and Imara laughed at the way her body

s Sofia pushed her back and met her eyes

r, only to have it kick back in when the wagon wheels rattl

the wagon came to a stop in front of them. “He was breathing s

limbed down from the carriage. The only words that came when Imara opened her mo

, shivering finger and peeked around his

cked in his watch and pressed his fists on his hips. “I need to run into town to f

t of Ben as he broke into their conversa

Well, that would be fantastic!” He rubbed the stubble on his chin and shrugged as he stepped away. “Whenever you have a spare moment, of course.” With

ke off the spell he was under. “No problem at all. I don’t have anyt

his hand around Imara’s elbow. “Come, Imara, let’s stop bothering Mr. Logan so

r away, but she glanced back over her shoul

ad in his life. The blast of her life force entering his blood made him stumble back into the wooden bed of his cart. A

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