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Mama Bear (Anna’s Story )

Chapter 5 Five.

Word Count: 826    |    Released on: 05/09/2022

a P

re meanies, I loved school. But there’s just this one teeny-tiny problem, I te

ew to my friends. People still act all mean about me taking a vampire class, they say I don’t need it but it’s daddy, who’s a

irlfriend or someth

d allow two babie

ovely couple” the words kept goin

ve, I held Mathews hand again so he won’t get lost, we alm

d red, he even had few unshed tears, I was so mad, I didn’t think twice,

I hissed. Tried to hit the meanie, he didn’t just call my friend a bad word, someone have pulled me off him,

w” a teacher says pointing at me, Mat

rincipal office, I’m the only kitten who tend to get in troubles. I walked in still po

he knew me well, I took a sea

pened?” h

t shakes his head, he’s going to call daddy now. He turned to the

her boyfriend” the guy says again, everyone is ca

athew stayed quiet the whole time, he had few lone tea

hile daddy came to get us both, since we belong to the same

spankings for fighting, he always does when I do something wrong. He didn’t say much, he just dragge

opened the door and held my hand dragging me inside,

not to start fights?” he

alled my boyfriend

se?” he asks me l

y!” I tell him aga

alone?” he asks, time alone

ay pouting, I don

ay down” d

t’s too early for me to nap, I on

r I can help with some a

p in his. I lost most of my clothes, staying in just my diapee and socks before getting under the blanket with my teddy,

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