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Mama Bear (Anna’s Story )

Chapter 3 Three.

Word Count: 854    |    Released on: 05/09/2022


e right next to mine, we even share a bathroom but the two of us. He said he didn’t want to share it wi

video games, but I didn’t mind playing with him, I sat down next to him and started a new match. I was losing terribly, that’s when the door opened, a

ng the guy, in his arms was some kind of a bundle, all

she doesn’t even like me” Zach whines like a

to her till she sleeps. Make sure she

the bed next to me, I think he just noticed me being here. At first his eyes narrowed at me, befo

rested. The guy hand her over her bottle, it was halfway full, she took it back inside her mouth and started drinking both of her

r her paci, I’ll pick her up later” the guy says casting one mor

ty friend, that he is, just started laughing, making Anna whine, he just disturbed her sleep. He quiet

hat?” I wh

amily lord Jame

him the wrong way and you’d die?” I ask him with wide

y, just don’t piss him off, and

I’ll keep it all to myself of course, I never came out as bisexual to mom or anyone else, knowing I’m a vampire, I alw

ls like chocolate. A sweet scent, like coco, I loved the w

you if you get too close” Zach say

n for vampires to raise their own mates”

er sleep she was beautiful, her tanned skin, long brown locks, her blondish ears and tail. I took the empty bottle out of her hands and placed her paci in her mouth, it was clipped to her clothes, but I could

I said but I wasn’t interested in the video game anymore,

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