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Mama Bear (Anna’s Story )

Chapter 2 Two.

Word Count: 855    |    Released on: 05/09/2022


yes. I was waiting to get my bag, he must be the guy the family sent to pick me up, when I saw my

ay remembering he a

with a giant smile before leading

friends, the whole coven is a big family, we’re all here for

airport for about an hour before reaching what looks like a mansion, the place was huge, and I mean

man life, they spend centuries in the work field, they accommodate many treasures and wealth. But this is the first time I ge

wenties while he’s eight centuries old. When I got out of the car, she got close to me giving me a hug, letting my head lean against her shoulder

guy who drove you is your cousin, my son Mathew, feel f

fic, just the family, our phone calls weren’t that often either, just in the la

I ask sti

e, no wonder you never called” she says sounding h

have the best relation” I s

y baby nephew” she says pinching my cheek, I’m too old to

before he took my hand and dragged me inside the ho

big no-no! Finally Zach showed me my room, it was a standard room, the decoration was mostly p

e new things, apparently he loves shopping. He’s not a bad guy either, he’s funny or at least

other’s” Zach says all excited, I couldn’t but be happy

re you?” I

s back, he’s older than me, but i

school while he’s in college, he didn’t g

r Anna you’re the youngest

now who the person younger than me

rt, she’s a kitten. She’s o

have one, a shifter who’s a half cat, also kno

I could never regress like some people who could go back to

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