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The Mate of A Monster

Chapter 10 Episode ten

Word Count: 563    |    Released on: 17/05/2022

g off the floor in search of a way out. All the walls were smooth, unchanging,

e reflective sur


middle, she understood there were only two options: the odd sunken bed full of s

ace, beckoning her to step into t

d ordered. Then b

gs or suffer

, her attention w

t could have been stolen from one of the finer houses in her settlement. Dianne would have preferred the polished wooden seats that her mothe

spread, or maybe they had frozen on her cheeks

e of food. A bite of sweet sliced fruit hit her tongue, but all she c

y p

oments ago spurting grotesque flu

rew up ev

ed about looming punishment, she forced her head up and looked around l

hat odd glowing light came from ev

s if something else controlled her limbs, some sort of self-preservation forcin

let was

hen, glassy eyed, she'd sat

eze out a drop. T

l, as if a silent voice had com

om her throne to

to the ground and ornately decorated. An array of blue tiles, the p

new it w

t in any measure: not the bed, not the food,

o swirl and offer

d, her only reaction was the in

supposed to

d not fill

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