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The Mate of A Monster

Chapter 4 Episode four

Word Count: 838    |    Released on: 17/05/2022

d you go,

uch me!" Dianne's reply left Halima speechless and shocked, Halima looked at Dianne for a while shook her head. and said to her "So you say, shameless girl. How many did you let fuck you as you were trying to buy freedom for your mother?" Ice went down her back, and all confrontation dissolved into intense anxiety. "What about my mother?" Dianne asked Halima "Victoria had to lie when you could not be found." "What lie? She didn't know where I was." Impatient for Halima's answers, Dianne tried to reach the plump goodwife's arm. "Did they hurt her?" "You shouldn't have refused my boy when he requested for you!" Staring down at Dianne's exposed breast, she shoved Dian

e was so much weeping. The baker's wife was beside herself, sobbing over one of her sons. It was obvious why: his no good and unruly brother was missing. Beside her, her husband's eye swelled shut as he stood there, dumbstruck. Crops had been ripped from their farms, bits of furnishings thrown about as if selected, then thrown away when something better caught an Alpha's eye. Two male bodies was hanging from the gallo

o stood in her way. Over and over she heard settlers muttering her name with disgust once they caught sight of her. It wasn't the torn, muddy dress, or the fact her long golden hair was free of a covering. In their eyes, for some unknown reason, she'd committed a great crime. It didn't matter what they thought, or the insults they might toss at

ar, I can taste them in the air! There will be no more patience for your lies. Tell me where she i

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