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The Mate of A Monster

Chapter 7 Episode seven

Word Count: 825    |    Released on: 17/05/2022

body? It didn't matter that they had been smeared with dr

ns of his attention, she felt gre

e you feel better. T

away. Underneath, the bruises had already begun to fade to yellow. Soon they would be complet

shed, the skin would be new, and all the wounds she'd

was gone. Just as


rmor and carted her out the door. And what had she done? Nothing, she'd hung from his arms like a stuf

ver even bee

cradled by a monster who'd thre

she couldn't h

er skin might be healing, the bone deep ache in her musc

ayed that however the Alphas saw fit to execute

w her mother wa

y to mourn. You're

matter. All that mattered was that a stranger w

rowing a knee over the ledge of the sunken bed, she scram

death vanished. It was too hard to face the end bravely w

, visibly shaking, she s

he was preparing to chase her. The stranger in vermilion armor was stone. "My name is Sergea

er corner and ran behind a table laden with food. Lifting a chair before her, she clutche

r pupils contract, and even added spite t

inflicted on the Beta woman you will need to ask him about your

She raised her we

the care of a vigilant Alpha." Another measured step brought Sergeant David clo

hey be taken. To be Omega was to be something terrible. "I am not an Omega. O

ing a brow as if to point out the

d was near. What point was there in holding her tongue now? "There is no law that sa

hing you a lesson this once, as you are adapting to this new situatio

Dianne's veins. Her skin grew clammy, the hairs on her arms stood up on end. Even her thro

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