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Chapter 2 Thank you

Word Count: 2135    |    Released on: 04/04/2022

to figure out where the hell I was and what was going on. Sterile cleaners burned my nose, along with what

r. No one was here to see me, no one concerned if I was dead or alive. It was

awake, honey. How

tly still lost within the fog of the fire. She was an older woman with gr

he logged onto a nearby computer and began typing. “I’ll

her for a moment. Did she know? Had she ca

gan sweating. My fingers fidgeted wit

la Wy

allowing her to take my blood pressure and temperature. She l

call?” she asked. “You’ll

hen he was high on drugs. It’s not like he could drive here

at all. Or you can contact someone yourself, if you prefer. I know you kids all have

ow pathetic was I that, out of the millions of people in the worl

lly discharged from the hospital and walked out the front door into the darkness of night with an impending medical bill that I had no money to pay for. I worked tw

lked over to the bus stop. I stared up at th

I applied make-up over my left bruised cheek. Somehow, I had become a bit of an expert at covering bruis

he pay sucked, but the tips normally made up for it. Today it seemed everyone was trying the little patience I had

I was still trying to adjust to the hot summers here in Florida after relocating here. Back home, the summer heat would feel good afte

ng up a good layer of sweat before reaching the fire house. This was the closest

, balding man asked as I

ire department’s assistance yesterday. I was stuck in a

e. He smiled back and stepped toward me, ta

e much appreciated. Is there a parti

n. I shook my head slowly. “I didn’t get his

ns to the best of us. You know

yes at myself. I was so awkward sometimes! “He had gr

lowly began to grow across his aging features. He turned

ong with my jeans and t-shirt with the restaurant name emblazoned across the front didn’t give me the most flattering first impression

t bolting. Why was I even concerned with my appe

new voiced asked with a Brit

had run his hands through it excessively throughout the day. He was tall, nearing six feet, and had a lean yet muscular build. His voice had a boyish charm yet he

I heard the older man say but my eyes were too focused on th

oted and pounded in my chest as those haunting green eyes wandered up and down my body. I felt utterly ex

s as I held my hand out and tried to con

a mouthful of perfect, white teeth and dimples upon his cheeks. “

kward. “Thank you.” I went to pull my hand away but his grip tightened and held onto me. I looked

re we

his gorgeous face. Those green eyes were gleaming with

oks. I tried to process a logical thought in my f

ng onto my hand. He spoke with a slight slowness, as

the other fireman had left. “I

voice lowering slightly. “There’

cheeks burning hot. Surely I h

th innocence as he let go of my hand and gl

his explanation as my eye

e meeting y

is British accent. “You’re not from around here?” I inte

ss?” he chuckl

ulders. “Lucky gu

ne more look at him b


like an anxious s

ious, his green eyes dull and ha

e at my secret being

rs. He stopped within inches of me and raised his hand. I

ermission, before very slowly moving his hand to my face and tracing

e,” he whis

as I stared into

His voice had a rough

ce between us. “Of course not. I fell and hit the post on

em to work on him though. He stared at me with disb

or saving me. That’s

his face as his features lig

was smoking hot but his cockiness was ignitin

ch this weekend. You

rsation. He could switch gears so quickly an

othing professional but its

nching another human

ting punched,” he replied, his v

crets. Or perhaps he was undressing me with his eyes. The thought made my cheeks burn. I

I breathed out as

r number,” h

at him but he spo

n spread across his face like the first morning rays of su

I rattled off my number a

mirked as he finished typin

off balance as I slowl

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1 Chapter 1 Green Eyes 2 Chapter 2 Thank you 3 Chapter 3 Stay Sour, Never Sweet 4 Chapter 4 Fighting 5 Chapter 5 Two Tables 6 Chapter 6 A Mixed-Up Hook Up7 Chapter 7 A Guilty Conscience 8 Chapter 8 Loving You Is Wrong Right 9 Chapter 9 A New Kind of Workout 10 Chapter 10 A Room with a View11 Chapter 11 A Silent Guitar 12 Chapter 12 Start of Something New13 Chapter 13 Flying or Falling 14 Chapter 14 A Lesson in Grilling 15 Chapter 15 A Glimpse of Paradise 16 Chapter 16 The Reality of Life17 Chapter 17 Clumsy People Fall18 Chapter 18 I Wish I Could Save You19 Chapter 19 Stay With Broken Me 20 Chapter 20 A Different Fight21 Chapter 21 Taking the Blame22 Chapter 22 A Spam Lunch 23 Chapter 23 Hiding all My Secrets 24 Chapter 24 Almost Got the Life I Want 25 Chapter 25 Killing A Piece of Me26 Chapter 26 The Truth is Harder than a Lie 27 Chapter 27 She's got her head in the clouds 28 Chapter 28 A change of scenery 29 Chapter 29 Wedding bells30 Chapter 30 The dance31 Chapter 31 Burning up32 Chapter 32 Something different 33 Chapter 33 Time of my life34 Chapter 34 A new evil35 Chapter 35 A Saying Goodbye 36 Chapter 36 A Glimpse of Me37 Chapter 37 A Saving Friendship 38 Chapter 38 Finding Common Ground 39 Chapter 39 The end of a love40 Chapter 40 Hidden Scars 41 Chapter 41 Starting Over 42 Chapter 42 Who I am now 43 Chapter 43 A test of trust44 Chapter 44 Saving you Saves Me45 Chapter 45 A loud awakening 46 Chapter 46 Striking out alone 47 Chapter 47 Unspoken words48 Chapter 48 Ready for Love49 Chapter 49 Losing what I never had50 Chapter 50 Selfish regrets 51 Chapter 51 A brush with death 52 Chapter 52 Giving all his secrets away53 Chapter 53 Healing and Moving 54 Chapter 54 A Glimpse at his side55 Chapter 55 Opening my heart 56 Chapter 56 Finding you again 57 Chapter 57 Dessert 58 Chapter 58 There's no love like your love59 Chapter 59 Questions 60 Chapter 60 Silent in my Defense 61 Chapter 61 Anger is Good62 Chapter 62 An Attempt to fix us63 Chapter 63 Stalked64 Chapter 64 A return home65 Chapter 65 Laying claim 66 Chapter 66 I hate you and love you 67 Chapter 67 Saved68 Chapter 68 A different species 69 Chapter 69 Calming my soul70 Chapter 70 Finding my ecstacy71 Chapter 71 A gift to move on72 Chapter 72 Everything I do73 Chapter 73 Epilogue