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Chapter 3 Stay Sour, Never Sweet

Word Count: 1756    |    Released on: 04/04/2022

d me and locked it. I glanced around at the open floor plan apartment. To the right was a futon in front of a TV hanging

d kitchen. I walked over to the table as my eyes studied the vase of red roses upon it. My fingers traced over t


ever write you about, baby. I know I hurt you, and the fact you were al

but I’d like to pick you up and take my gorgeous woman out to a



sour, not

he corners of my lips tugged upwards as I looked at my favorite snack, Rice Krispie treats. Beside them was a bag of

e asked as he skipped a rock across

er Sour Patch Kid into my mouth. My face squinted at the sou

rock and skipped it across the pond

one in my mouth. My entire face scrunched a

ing brown eyes danced upon me. “Never

ndies at him. He picked it up, throwing it int

you be, “

s handsome face to me. “I’

d down the hallway off the living space. To the left was a spare bedroom and the guest bathroom. I turned to the right toward the mas

forgive him? I loved him so much, and I knew this wasn’t him. Not the real Ace that I had fallen in love with years ago. He was the kindest, most loving man I had ever known. I had given

eyes began to water. I fervently chewed on the candy as I got up with my

m. My hair was up in a cute little up do with only a few strands left to hang do

ed it from my purse, hoping it wasn’t a cancelation message from Ace. I had already gotten all

Alaric. Here’s the addr

as my eyes went over his name. Ano

n distress to give her knight-in-

ingers sliding into that thick, wavy hair. I blinked rapidly and brought myself back to re

yself typing a message back. You’re in th

a message back. My bad. How ab

lying. I had to shut this dow

was quick. Not y

I needed to get my mind out of the gutter abo

his hands. His black hair was gelled up and back perfectly. His brown eyes were clear and white. He wore black trousers, a deep b

pered softly as he swi

tening my dress wit

m so sorry, Stella. I love you more than anything on this ea

d charming and would do anything for me. He had proved that not long ago. He had went to extreme measures to help m

ss his face as he put his

lipped my fingers into the

he menu. “Anything you want, okay?” His eyes lift

this,” I explained softly as

ou deserve the best, baby. I want

s. I sipped on my water as my eyes wandered around the re

ced over the deep red table cloth on the table

nited from his abandonment in the fire that nearly took my

tell them?” he

ust told them I was at a frie

leaned back in his chair. “ “ Jax

s was the brothel. Jaxon was also running drugs from his business, something that Ace had recently gotten involved in to make extra money. He always thought we needed more, that I deserved more. I

I asked as I studied him. “What if yo

d be with you, baby. You know that.” He reached across the table and took my hand

ecision and unease. I was being ridiculous. Of co

ace slightly, his eyes dancing over m

squeezed his hand. “Yes

rove it to you again and again. I won

on as our hands broke apart as

e you S

ve yo

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1 Chapter 1 Green Eyes 2 Chapter 2 Thank you 3 Chapter 3 Stay Sour, Never Sweet 4 Chapter 4 Fighting 5 Chapter 5 Two Tables 6 Chapter 6 A Mixed-Up Hook Up7 Chapter 7 A Guilty Conscience 8 Chapter 8 Loving You Is Wrong Right 9 Chapter 9 A New Kind of Workout 10 Chapter 10 A Room with a View11 Chapter 11 A Silent Guitar 12 Chapter 12 Start of Something New13 Chapter 13 Flying or Falling 14 Chapter 14 A Lesson in Grilling 15 Chapter 15 A Glimpse of Paradise 16 Chapter 16 The Reality of Life17 Chapter 17 Clumsy People Fall18 Chapter 18 I Wish I Could Save You19 Chapter 19 Stay With Broken Me 20 Chapter 20 A Different Fight21 Chapter 21 Taking the Blame22 Chapter 22 A Spam Lunch 23 Chapter 23 Hiding all My Secrets 24 Chapter 24 Almost Got the Life I Want 25 Chapter 25 Killing A Piece of Me26 Chapter 26 The Truth is Harder than a Lie 27 Chapter 27 She's got her head in the clouds 28 Chapter 28 A change of scenery 29 Chapter 29 Wedding bells30 Chapter 30 The dance31 Chapter 31 Burning up32 Chapter 32 Something different 33 Chapter 33 Time of my life34 Chapter 34 A new evil35 Chapter 35 A Saying Goodbye 36 Chapter 36 A Glimpse of Me37 Chapter 37 A Saving Friendship 38 Chapter 38 Finding Common Ground 39 Chapter 39 The end of a love40 Chapter 40 Hidden Scars 41 Chapter 41 Starting Over 42 Chapter 42 Who I am now 43 Chapter 43 A test of trust44 Chapter 44 Saving you Saves Me45 Chapter 45 A loud awakening 46 Chapter 46 Striking out alone 47 Chapter 47 Unspoken words48 Chapter 48 Ready for Love49 Chapter 49 Losing what I never had50 Chapter 50 Selfish regrets 51 Chapter 51 A brush with death 52 Chapter 52 Giving all his secrets away53 Chapter 53 Healing and Moving 54 Chapter 54 A Glimpse at his side55 Chapter 55 Opening my heart 56 Chapter 56 Finding you again 57 Chapter 57 Dessert 58 Chapter 58 There's no love like your love59 Chapter 59 Questions 60 Chapter 60 Silent in my Defense 61 Chapter 61 Anger is Good62 Chapter 62 An Attempt to fix us63 Chapter 63 Stalked64 Chapter 64 A return home65 Chapter 65 Laying claim 66 Chapter 66 I hate you and love you 67 Chapter 67 Saved68 Chapter 68 A different species 69 Chapter 69 Calming my soul70 Chapter 70 Finding my ecstacy71 Chapter 71 A gift to move on72 Chapter 72 Everything I do73 Chapter 73 Epilogue