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Author: RoSe_123

Chapter 1 Green Eyes

Word Count: 1642    |    Released on: 04/04/2022

ends think

t of me, tall and muscular. His jet-black hair was gelled up and

ut your friends,” I shot back as I

en a bedroom door. He put his hands on my back

spun around toward him. I flinched as he slammed the doo

roared as he advanced towar

. My stomach churned as I frantically searched for a way out of

he continued his angry rant as he grabbed my arm and yanke

d to the floor from the hit. It felt like a damn brick had just made con

h his booted foot, sending me flying into the air and crashing onto my back.

to breathe or even cry. I pinched my eyes closed as I prayed his vicious attack was ove

or. He ripped it open as he yelled one last time at me. “Take a nap

my rigid, tight body instantly began

okay as I could

my bed for much needed sleep. My drug-addicted boyfriend was obviously too consumed with the buffet of drugs in front of him to be bothered by taking hi

nd over again. I gingerly moved my jaw, making sure it wasn’t broken. My finge

t down. I dropped my head into my hands as tears drai

my swollen eyes. My throat was scratchy and felt swollen. My breaths wheezed in as

d back into me with the shooting pain in my side and the dull throb of my ch

to torch the room as I shuffled over to the door. I wiped the sweat from my brow

m hot? Why was the door handle burning? I took a deep breath through my nose

in tried the doorknob. The heat seared through my shirt, but I ignored the pain as

shed over to the window. I unlocked it and pulled


die at only eighteen in a freaking drug house! I didn’t

with. I grabbed a lamp and rushed back to the window. I swung it at

e body. I swung around and my heart dropped to my feet

tter panic, I banged my fists on the win

icked at the window, but it refused to break bene

d education kicked in and I dropped to the f

Just my luck. I shoved it back into my pocket as the smoke began to surround me w

Help was here! But would they even know I was in here? Would Ace alert them? Was he even still around? W

yfriend, and I allowed him to treat me

the window with all the force of a crazy p

d though I doubted they

blacken around the edges as my head began to get foggy and lightheaded. I forced my eyes to focus on the lights

lawing as the strength be

ced out, my voice onl

!” a voic

ke a drunken sailor and tripped over my own feet and fe

hing suddenly smashed into the window. Glass shat

ale voice asked wit

s looked loopily toward the fireman

id through his mask i

he oxygen it desperately needed that my brain sent

n like that was. He stepped toward me and bent down, scooping

a loaf of bread and met his eyes. They were the most gorgeous color of green I ha

on the sides of my vison began to close in around me which caused my heartrate and breathing to spike. I gasped for b

whined out in nothing more than a whisper as I bounced with his steps. I took one

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1 Chapter 1 Green Eyes 2 Chapter 2 Thank you 3 Chapter 3 Stay Sour, Never Sweet 4 Chapter 4 Fighting 5 Chapter 5 Two Tables 6 Chapter 6 A Mixed-Up Hook Up7 Chapter 7 A Guilty Conscience 8 Chapter 8 Loving You Is Wrong Right 9 Chapter 9 A New Kind of Workout 10 Chapter 10 A Room with a View11 Chapter 11 A Silent Guitar 12 Chapter 12 Start of Something New13 Chapter 13 Flying or Falling 14 Chapter 14 A Lesson in Grilling 15 Chapter 15 A Glimpse of Paradise 16 Chapter 16 The Reality of Life17 Chapter 17 Clumsy People Fall18 Chapter 18 I Wish I Could Save You19 Chapter 19 Stay With Broken Me 20 Chapter 20 A Different Fight21 Chapter 21 Taking the Blame22 Chapter 22 A Spam Lunch 23 Chapter 23 Hiding all My Secrets 24 Chapter 24 Almost Got the Life I Want 25 Chapter 25 Killing A Piece of Me26 Chapter 26 The Truth is Harder than a Lie 27 Chapter 27 She's got her head in the clouds 28 Chapter 28 A change of scenery 29 Chapter 29 Wedding bells30 Chapter 30 The dance31 Chapter 31 Burning up32 Chapter 32 Something different 33 Chapter 33 Time of my life34 Chapter 34 A new evil35 Chapter 35 A Saying Goodbye 36 Chapter 36 A Glimpse of Me37 Chapter 37 A Saving Friendship 38 Chapter 38 Finding Common Ground 39 Chapter 39 The end of a love40 Chapter 40 Hidden Scars 41 Chapter 41 Starting Over 42 Chapter 42 Who I am now 43 Chapter 43 A test of trust44 Chapter 44 Saving you Saves Me45 Chapter 45 A loud awakening 46 Chapter 46 Striking out alone 47 Chapter 47 Unspoken words48 Chapter 48 Ready for Love49 Chapter 49 Losing what I never had50 Chapter 50 Selfish regrets 51 Chapter 51 A brush with death 52 Chapter 52 Giving all his secrets away53 Chapter 53 Healing and Moving 54 Chapter 54 A Glimpse at his side55 Chapter 55 Opening my heart 56 Chapter 56 Finding you again 57 Chapter 57 Dessert 58 Chapter 58 There's no love like your love59 Chapter 59 Questions 60 Chapter 60 Silent in my Defense 61 Chapter 61 Anger is Good62 Chapter 62 An Attempt to fix us63 Chapter 63 Stalked64 Chapter 64 A return home65 Chapter 65 Laying claim 66 Chapter 66 I hate you and love you 67 Chapter 67 Saved68 Chapter 68 A different species 69 Chapter 69 Calming my soul70 Chapter 70 Finding my ecstacy71 Chapter 71 A gift to move on72 Chapter 72 Everything I do73 Chapter 73 Epilogue