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The Last Heir of Isildur

Chapter 7 Naur

Word Count: 1763    |    Released on: 11/08/2021

en fellows was interrupt

of the fr

aid with

the fire.

nished the

ho had to slow down to kill a warg and thus avoid certain death. The fugitives soon arrived at the edge of the forest, which

thin branch above her head and, as a result, worrying bo

balance when, suddenly, their feat was interrupted


resentment. Fili and Kili looked at her



ves jumping from one trunk to another, until they reached the last tree, right on the tip of the precipice. But as strong as that trunk could be, it eventually tilted too, almost breaking. That sudden movement caused Arya to lose her grip, she was about to fall when Fili grabbed her by the arm and held her to himself, letting go a sigh of relief in knowing she was safe, at least for now. T

they managed to cling to Gandalf's stick. The sorcerer, worried b

for help! You're the

it was hard to forget. Arya focused on trying to clearly visualize in her mind the only ones who could help them at that moment: her drag

egged him to come back. The young Dwarf King attacked the Defiler and his warg, but he got the worst of it. The wolf took him between his jaws a

it! Come


are you doing?! That

also tried to stop her, without noticing the absence of

me! Whatever happ

e of his servants to bring him the head of the dwarf king, but this last one was stopped by Bilbo, who threw hims

w this

in a low and

, with streaks of bright blue, was flying over their heads. Azog the Defiler

without any fear, but only with the anger and rancour of those who had lost everything.

their wargs. Then, taken by incredible courage, the dwarves ran to support the f

n the back of another yet; continuing in this way the birds rescued all the members of the company. Only Arya, Fili and Kili remained on the ground, still defending themselves from the wargs. One of the eagles reached Kili and took him, while the dwarf shouted his brother's name out

We need to ge

in her voice. The blond looked at her with a

you! We must go, n

imal: Arya stood in front and Fili immediately behind her. Then Saphira t

his uncle's body and cal

on left the members of the company on a rock spike

was lying unconscious on the ground. The sorcerer then put a hand on


arf King's fi

Bilbo is here.

n Thorin stood up and headed towards the

t were yo

arf said wit

ou would be a burden?! That you would not surviv

ame arrogant and accusatory tone,

been so wrong

ed gaze of all his companions. He broke away fro

ry I doub

oo. I'm not a hero, or a w

ed, then turned to

only to Bilbo Baggins, my

young dwarf king turned aroun

re, but, above all, you might wa

, forcing all members of the company to move worried. Saphira lowered her neck, allowing

here are also good and kind dragons in Middle Earth, such as Saphira, and if

is companions, approached, a little bit fearful, the dragon,


rm towards the snout of Saphira, whom, after a fe

nk y

een understood. When he interrupted contact, Saphira pulled back, folded

back when we'

ing decided to join the company. Having said that, he turned to his companions and his smile became even greater and more sincere seeing, be

what I th

then a

. The last of the great dwar

d affirme

r h


ds are returning

med enthus

ar, Oin, is

en replied

t as a sign..

continued, sm

I think the w

stated with

r =

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