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The Last Heir of Isildur

Chapter 2 Dragon Eggs

Word Count: 1156    |    Released on: 11/08/2021

, Arya was lying on the bed, lost in her th


he rarely raised her voice, she cons

wanted to let you know that K

do I have to tell you not to cal

and left her al

, then she headed to the large terrace of the main pa

annen Hi

gn, who was leaning against the elegant railing

Arya, did yo

ed, gree

ank you. You wish

ng we need to talk about. What

got lost in pleasantries, Arya knew it well,

just know they're

man answered

ther requested th

ead in her direction, with t

, bu

h. After all, those eggs are all you have left of your family, but t

her in a s

d they could become dangerous weapons to be used against us. But I don't

o go: Elrond planned to hatch the egg

ars to be born, my dear, those e

ht in the eye. In those clear iris Arya recognised sincere conce


ous tone, understanding the

ure not to be followed or observed, this must remain a secret, at least for

ting to walk towards t

fire in the middle of

control it, and you shoul

s fascinated her, but she never thought of raising one, let alone three. However, she wasn

o one would have seen her, she prepared a pyre, placed the three eggs on top of it and set it on fire. She then pronounced some formulas in Quen

ietly at her feet. They didn't seem scary when they were little, they were almost cute. Arya decided to try to get closer, thus attracting the attention of the babies, which immediately showed curiosity towards her. Totally ench

est and hurried to her quarters. Once he got there, his attention was instantly captured by the three little dragons: his suspicions were well-founded, the eggs had

do we

in her lap, Arya quietly turned to him while sh

can do. You're their

m wh

d hearing those words. What could it po

y are born in your presence, which means that now you share a bond. You'll learn th


rious and partly int

be able, with time and exercise, to c

her, approaching the bed

tay here, in Rivendell? Maybe it's bette

r this way. Here you will be safe and t

mly as

mselves and the bond with the girl became stronger and stronger. Once they had reached size too large to be able to live in the palace without causing damages, th

Hir nîn = We

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