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The Last Heir of Isildur

Chapter 6 Trapped

Word Count: 1634    |    Released on: 11/08/2021

hole company was surrounded by goblins, grisly beings without honour, who lived in the depths of the rock and, as mercenaries, al

king, however, they missed something, a member of the company had escaped th

come armed into my kingdom?

ne, while he rose from his wooden throne, w

ce, and a girl. We found

ragged them there replied,

would dwarves come

ation, I'm the one

in, trying to

think of it- it's more like a track. Anyway, the point is we were on this road, like a path, like a tr

ng distant


ds on my mo

d, making the

them squawk! Bring out the Mangler! Bring

Great Goblin, ended with the protests of the dwarves,

y hands and, despite her attempts to spl

ff her, you filth

the girl to recognize th


young Dwarf King stepped forward, allo

s. Thorin, son of Thráin, son of

orming in a ceremoni

ave a mountain, and you're not a kin

ined firm and impassive before that monstrosity. On him,

ust a head, nothing attached. Perhaps you know of whom I spe

dwarf like a blade

destroyed. He was slai

en gr

defiling days ar

d in that of the girl too. For Arya, in fact, it was as if an old ghost from her past had come back to haunt her:

le Orc. Tell him I h

at point, panicked, the creatures began to attack the members of the company, who tried in every way to defend themselves. Arya managed to get rid of the firm grip of those

hose present were blinded by a strong white l

arms! Fig

ntary disorientation of their enemies, the dwarves quic

against two of those filthy creatures having the upper hand,


ew very well she could take care of herself but, at that time, she

that were coming from all directions. The run, however, didn't last long: it was abruptly

t you could

llenging tone, as

u gonna do n

the eye with a stick and then

'll d

ecreed, just before Gan

walks, until they left the scene, falling into

could have

ground. That being said, the dead

got to b

apped under the weight of

hen their attention was called by Kili, who pointed

hem, we can't face the

to Gandalf, having free

ng that can save us:

run towards the exit of the cave,

ly once they were sure to be far enough away from the cave. Only

fur, Bofur...make ten. Ah, Fili, Kili and Arya...ma

of the company and he too, like Ary

bo? Where's

ll the dwarves began

s our h

peated with m

lfling! Now

claimed i

t he was


on't bl


you seen him

rrounded by the goblins: he is small,

his concern. Fili, who wasn't too far from her, next to h

ine. He'll find a wa

g her hand and gently hol

and he took it. He's thought of nothing but his soft bed and his warm hearth since fi

ger, earning reprimand glances from Arya, Fili

he is

members of the company who, turning around, wer

ever been so glad to s

claimed since

e'd given

Kili said

did you get pa

n added


less jovial and more inquis

oes it matter

iend's eyes and sensing that Bilbo had been help

nt to know, why d

asked with

ss my books. And my armchair, and my garden. See, that's where I belong. That's home. And that's why I came b

Even Arya found herself thinking about her home, her real home, the one that had be

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