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Word Count: 1080    |    Released on: 16/06/2021

ead toward the walkin

oad back for an eig

. . . smirking sweetly an

shoes and strongl

ing someone's back is now fallin

..what are y

ief was written on

tion as my focus was on th

halantly, if there was ever a bit of surprise

that! I will leave this place with my in

turned around and wal

very glad at and at the same time aggr

l near an unnamed forest, and the

have a long wa

t a carriage or the luxury of a horse, it is the only way for m

sess that ki

ifferent from the previous

ade before dying and experiencing this second life all these past years witho

e female protagonist's learning

t kinds of forms, under the following terms fr

aura colors but relying only on their golden core energy and strength abilit

gic aura, they can perform healing in different kinds

ents as well as being able to contract familiars, but

e identified Prieste

agic aura colors but blood magic

ntrol four elements known as

lood symbols, and only 9 % of nobles

agic auras that were divided into thir

lack, Grey, Brown, B

Green, Moss, Yel

Level: Purple

n Level: Cay

lls and contracting magical beasts. 20 % of female nobles have

ple have no engagement in the magic

th Level Mage!" My inner voice

years old, and yet it wasn't even changi

h was a beginner exercise. Just being reminde

ens for not reviving the

aria's character's state of lev

there were no recallin

e fact he will burn me alive somewhere along with the plot fut

magic nor when he

g schemes, what did the infam


or parts of the novel plot as if t

ith little hope of esc

g the heavens

d walking and squatted down, checking one of my feet,

o that when I am known as

e, did I make my re

Duke of Slendlock was hit by scandalous

k wouldn't mind the

osed to ignore me, but he looked at me as if

s welcoming home part

o interaction with

ance from thinkin

, he was ahead of my blacklis

old gush of wind

s c

darkening sky from above, it w

o fall, I quickly stood up a

only lose the last stand, and that infamous Duke wouldn't let me


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