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Word Count: 1092    |    Released on: 16/06/2021

with me," I asked

ng. Well then after hearing the expla

is the thing that th

n with, but for goodness sake, this kind


e with me." At once, they in

e Master's guests, and you are not even a

ousehold. So please, dine with me as I cannot eat all of this by

ant to become a

y every second, and here I am, serve

ed again from his spo

, Lady Maria, and please do

ons talked about what they wanted to say, ' Don't drag us down

s crystal clear with

e again my sight landed at the set of

is by yourself? I'm only used to eatin

nt myself from tearing up, I forcefully


lone at this table while the se

s become tastel

ting for the sake of filling this stomach or

have a refreshing bath from feeling

my confidence comes back as well as cle

earlier, they dislike my existe

e house without any

me, the more they

ood. Ve

s decided to live her norm

I'll travel the w

us lifelong d

h excitement and aspiration. In this world, n

a good op

made myself a stronger individual, kicking out their

one is important to av

s Grace has fin


eet the herald of

sure with that person standing near

ter who never shows his real feelings to anyone other than the female pro

flesh under the clear sky, I cannot

ed me at once

y as he has this long silken, fiery crimson hair and a pair of cold-bloo

nyone to their f

character in a real human version, but, h

k and white theme clothes, you could f

ctional crushes in my previous life, and

live someday, and I never dream of being kil

y to die

that's absurd

here in this reality

f this world, and maybe, perhaps my life

only half in proper courtesy, but also to

ill ignore me as of the fi

se him, pestering him every day to marry h

character just to


iar cold tone, I found myself lif

ested eyes filled with nothing, and yet if you obser

bled a little as he walke

med me as the only thought that came to my

ria the

disappear in the background, and I d

acking up myself from

my favorite creepypasta in my first life, an

the h


use I am afr

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