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Chapter 2 2 ARE WE HUMBLE

Word Count: 1046    |    Released on: 12/06/2021

with striking long and white hair that was neatly tied be

ipal butler, Nick

ts. I kept shunning everyone, and, well, who didn't hear the unscrupulous

it, and everyone

ossiping from

for doing this to the servants every day. Some fallen nobles don't have a chance to pick themselves up once they're abandoned by their household and the high society, y

wish Lady Maria could understand this situation, and soon please stop t

whispered, sta

needles pricking my chest, mostly the


happily li

oming ung

bad to the point you would say those

y hands are feeling itchy to slap the peo

e beloved heroine whom I

d taken aback by what I said to him. Though it's still not the end

ing me this chance of restoring my nobility by marrying the Duke of Slendlock? Oh, Dear. Don

you dared not to get back with? This


ferent tha

ke, you're supposed to be more secre

of this humble servant. " I notice the shifting


eferable to pay attention to your words in the first

wed curtly and tried so

istreat this aunt because

my life is going to be, even

you show me wher


, I'm st

s and shockingly silent while

ng wrong with

o whether servants were going to my chambe

ok my

effectively to disturbance a

, we at least have arr

my prior life memories, the nov

member some o

hing missing, somethin

ke notes about t

re the food right away." I nodded without lo

ere I was walking around the room lik

sion, there many expensive and beauti

n't mind if I steal on

he market, for example, this

or too long. " Nickelsi finally here with

ying the foo

tare at them closely, you can tell from their stiff shoulders and

g that they

No choice but to se

hy for me as I sat in my chosen

down every dish, my mouth


uch for on


hese peopl

like a pig in

't that ski

ething wrong,

e throbbing, and the brain cells we

o much." I b

you mean,

too much as what I usua

erstand as he started

We lessen the normal portions, but since Lady Maria decided to come out and then eat here. The

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