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Married To A Cruel Billionaire

Chapter 6 Chocolate Mousse

Word Count: 2176    |    Released on: 11/03/2021

calling her that," Bella said, her dainty build shaking from lau

nted, somewhat proud at her

ir, and poor Mr. King, sir gets crushed

he mention of Mr. King.

Karen was certainly hilarious to watch as per Bella stated. I shouldn't be praying so, but I very much loo

about H

paled as her hand tightened around my folded shirt

loset, I closed the door and lo

most killed a maid who accide


ve killed the poor girl," she said, horror f

e back of my neck. Wh

on a black sports bra and a pair of yoga pants, I tied my hair into a ponytail and jogged to the gy

, 257, 2

muscles in his arms contracted with each movement as the veins popped under his silky smooth skin. My jaw almo

anging open a lot. Hopef

" a hushed voice wh

d there, her lips quirked up in a smirk and brows waggling. My

ome on!" She trudged forward, an

a rollercoaster. I watched as sweat trickled down his sculpted face, down his chiseled chest to his perfectly toned six pack torso and dis

ze moved back up to his brooding sea-green ones only to find them

Get a grip on you

und his neck, he started walking towards me. Oh Gosh! I could hear my heart

oice, passing by me towards the e

wirled around, but


ps. As you already know, she won by fifty. And for me? Well, I was on the floor with my tongue out, panting like a dog

t do yo

inted finger on her head posing like


to keep in Hunter's study, but Karen stopped her and handed me the task Instead. So, here I was. He wasn't

ed entirely in another world. Unlike the other rooms in the mansion, it was elegantly dark from the ceiling to the floor with matching furniture. Sophisticated paintings adorned the walls, golde

he other half of the room, enclosed with glass doors. Inside sat a table with shelves around, occupying books

il. It was obvious black was his favorite color,

out from behind it as if calling me to uncover their truth. I turned my eyes to the door. He wasn't home. Perhaps I c

opped on the floor, and the smell of dust hit my nose causing a fit of coughs to le

lended with each other so well like some professional artist put their heart and soul in it. The second one was of Doser..


er K

hese? Admiration

was written. V? Who could she be? A sinking feeling rose in my chest. I looked back at the shelf. There was another one, stuffed

t move a

k at it, and sea-green eyes popped in front of me. Letting out a squeak, I let go of the canvas, and it fell down with a thud. My hand immediately reached my throbbing heart. I peered ar

soft sunny mornings. Raven black hair cascaded down her broad shoulders, and the blue dress she

grip and pulled me to my feet. My eyes widened at those cold sea-green ones fix

In my room?" he asked sl

dry suddenly. I couldn

s voice lowere


oom right now!" he growle

the door, I slid down letting the tears fall. I know I was wrong, but


ed not being able to sleep for hours.

sband,' said m

tered in my mind. Could it be that he was forced into it as well? Did Mr. King force Hunter to get married to me? But why would he? I was no princess

ing else, someth

chocolate for it was my salvation from mulligrubs. Tiptoeing to the kitchen, I opened the fridge and scanned my eyes

ream almost left my mouth as two blue eye

evil cat! Shoo

lace. Before she was out of the kitchen, she stopped and looked back a

es. Like owner

laced the bowl in my lap. Dipping a finger in the silky smooth chocolate, I put

e session. Irritated, I looked up, and the cause of my bad mood stood before me, a smirk evident on his

tbeat rose. Placing a hand beside me on the counter, he grabbed a kitchen towel and rubbed the corner of my lips. Hi

pot. He was too damn ne

d I see

e pain

t that he could draw, or did he

e gazed at me inten

rapid manner, afraid

s curved into a tiny smile, so

nd and strode away,

ust ha

ed me by my name, making my heart skip several bits. "That chocolate mousse was for Mom's b


at the almos

I am f

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1 Chapter 1 The Proposal2 Chapter 2 Meeting the arrogant Mr King Jr.3 Chapter 3 Getting ready for the big day4 Chapter 4 The Wedding5 Chapter 5 The King's Mansion6 Chapter 6 Chocolate Mousse7 Chapter 7 Playing Cupid8 Chapter 8 Saving Doser9 Chapter 9 His facade10 Chapter 10 An infuriating spouse11 Chapter 11 Signing my death certificate12 Chapter 12 Office rules or quitter 13 Chapter 13 Journey to the devil's office14 Chapter 14 Game on, Sire!15 Chapter 15 Cursed coffee16 Chapter 16 Pent up emotions17 Chapter 17 The secret behind the blue door18 Chapter 18 From devil to savior and back to devil19 Chapter 19 Meeting with big fat beasts20 Chapter 20 Assistance21 Chapter 21 Wolf and the moon22 Chapter 22 His past and a new promise23 Chapter 23 Angry Gorillas24 Chapter 24 Stripping in the back of the car25 Chapter 25 Hunter King and generosity26 Chapter 26 Love Triangle 27 Chapter 27 Journey to Paris28 Chapter 28 Night at the hotel room29 Chapter 29 Grey eyes30 Chapter 30 Romantic stroll31 Chapter 31 Jealousy | part-132 Chapter 32 Jealousy | part-233 Chapter 33 Um... Squirrel34 Chapter 34 Masquerade ball35 Chapter 35 Mysterious masked twin 36 Chapter 36 Perfect landing into the woods37 Chapter 37 Bears and Thugs38 Chapter 38 Vampire monkey 39 Chapter 39 Not so Assholic40 Chapter 40 Gone41 Chapter 41 I love him42 Chapter 42 Goodbye California43 Chapter 43 Family Dinner44 Chapter 44 Lies45 Chapter 45 I quit46 Chapter 46 A little touch can do dangerous things47 Chapter 47 Return of the blue-eyed ranger48 Chapter 48 Lies-249 Chapter 49 Charity Ball50 Chapter 50 Seven hours in heaven51 Chapter 51 Kiss in drunk rain52 Chapter 52 I hate you53 Chapter 53 What the heart wants54 Chapter 54 Date55 Chapter 55 A familiar face, no, two!56 Chapter 56 The two face of Vienna57 Chapter 57 Raining secrets on a hill58 Chapter 58 A booming shot59 Chapter 59 You're my perfect lies60 Chapter 60 Rhythmic Chaos61 Chapter 61 Epilogue62 Chapter 62 Bonus Chapter