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Married To A Cruel Billionaire

Chapter 4 The Wedding

Word Count: 2131    |    Released on: 22/02/2021

s me? What if it's all a conspiracy? What if I'm left unhappy forever? What if... Soon my head became a warzone of several 'what ifs', and the war sl

, my feet seemed to have frozen. A

t, princess," dad assured

ned towards me, men sending smiles while the women decided on glares. From between, the identical faces of my twin aunts stood out as they waved at

e pristine white walls were decorated with the same golden patterns at the top, and fresh fl

ced her lap as she patted its head and shot everyone judging looks. On his left sat the granny with her signature smile. They looked like a royal family in their elegant clothes

o servant

xpecting to see the dark sea-green eyes of my soon-t

ux and a dimpled s

He offere

forehead and moved to

back as I scanned my eyes about, si

r, Hunter's best friend

I am E

ook go

mile and halted as we reac

in their hands, and matching frowns. Beth l

r told Ana nor Beth about the circumstances of this marri

l be here anytime no

g Hunter William King in a black custom made tuxedo. M

rgeous with his black hair styled into perfection, and those eyes, the same col

s perfect ey

n witness how pale skin turns all tomatoey. I glanced up again to see him looking at me with an expression I couldn't qui

n why I agreed

ich, resonant voice as i

now?' spoke a voice in th

There was no way in hell I'd let this man see the

while all I did was steal glances of him from the

in marriage. We are also here to be a part of this new family. Family is one of the most important things in the world—it's nothing without love and relationship. With that said, I'

ning back anymore but facing

ls, and they flashed me reassuring smiles with their thumbs up. I rep

he best man, Matthew. "Ple

, black velvety box and handed the rin

y finger with a swift movement. I observed the shiny golden band. The Kings insisted on buyin

I affirm my vow to share my life with you in everything, to respect

e in the middle of my vows. He cast

g to my cheeks as my heart felt

mind, I turned to the officiant. "I apologise, s

William King, son of Bryan William Ki

swer was curt

of Joseph Collins take Hunter

. I'm not even sure if he will give me the respect I deserve as his wife. Am I ready to marry suc


announce you husband and wi

t mine. I froze. It felt like even the blood flowing through my veins froze but only for a second or

ed them while Hunter stood there silen

e one of the plastics from Mean girls, only older. She kept giving me looks like I

e room, I spotted Matthew who introduced himself as Hunter's best friend earlier. Marching to him, I lifted my hand to tap when from th


veil fluttering behind as the chattering of people faded replaced with the clicking of my heels. He stopped, causing me to come into an abrupt halt. In a slow manner, he turned arou

t came out more as a whis

speak, nei

tood like that, st

ated a squeak from my mou

asy there, it'

! You sc

met with an empty

coming here, and I... What were you doin

is Hu

ome business purpose," he said,

t came, and I looked down, sighing. W

ead creased instead of the ones around his eyes. "He

he weight of my decision beginning to set on my shoulders and trap my soul in-betwee

re to remind people


d he has consented

rse, he

on ceremony and dodging the questions and dubious glances of my family, friends and relatives, I wormed my way

along with. That's why I wanted him to have a wife he needs, not one who wi

did he mean by that? Who d

the direction of dad's approach, his brows were knitted in the middle as his

, "Joseph, no worries. Don't forget your daughter is not jus

ing on his forehead. "Of cou

leave for business on such an important day. But your daugh

xpression. I couldn't let

tone dad used clearly announced

King eyed me. "Hurry up, dear. The ca

"Ember, always remember, if you ever need, your mo

meone played violin in them, and I threw my hands around

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1 Chapter 1 The Proposal2 Chapter 2 Meeting the arrogant Mr King Jr.3 Chapter 3 Getting ready for the big day4 Chapter 4 The Wedding5 Chapter 5 The King's Mansion6 Chapter 6 Chocolate Mousse7 Chapter 7 Playing Cupid8 Chapter 8 Saving Doser9 Chapter 9 His facade10 Chapter 10 An infuriating spouse11 Chapter 11 Signing my death certificate12 Chapter 12 Office rules or quitter 13 Chapter 13 Journey to the devil's office14 Chapter 14 Game on, Sire!15 Chapter 15 Cursed coffee16 Chapter 16 Pent up emotions17 Chapter 17 The secret behind the blue door18 Chapter 18 From devil to savior and back to devil19 Chapter 19 Meeting with big fat beasts20 Chapter 20 Assistance21 Chapter 21 Wolf and the moon22 Chapter 22 His past and a new promise23 Chapter 23 Angry Gorillas24 Chapter 24 Stripping in the back of the car25 Chapter 25 Hunter King and generosity26 Chapter 26 Love Triangle 27 Chapter 27 Journey to Paris28 Chapter 28 Night at the hotel room29 Chapter 29 Grey eyes30 Chapter 30 Romantic stroll31 Chapter 31 Jealousy | part-132 Chapter 32 Jealousy | part-233 Chapter 33 Um... Squirrel34 Chapter 34 Masquerade ball35 Chapter 35 Mysterious masked twin 36 Chapter 36 Perfect landing into the woods37 Chapter 37 Bears and Thugs38 Chapter 38 Vampire monkey 39 Chapter 39 Not so Assholic40 Chapter 40 Gone41 Chapter 41 I love him42 Chapter 42 Goodbye California43 Chapter 43 Family Dinner44 Chapter 44 Lies45 Chapter 45 I quit46 Chapter 46 A little touch can do dangerous things47 Chapter 47 Return of the blue-eyed ranger48 Chapter 48 Lies-249 Chapter 49 Charity Ball50 Chapter 50 Seven hours in heaven51 Chapter 51 Kiss in drunk rain52 Chapter 52 I hate you53 Chapter 53 What the heart wants54 Chapter 54 Date55 Chapter 55 A familiar face, no, two!56 Chapter 56 The two face of Vienna57 Chapter 57 Raining secrets on a hill58 Chapter 58 A booming shot59 Chapter 59 You're my perfect lies60 Chapter 60 Rhythmic Chaos61 Chapter 61 Epilogue62 Chapter 62 Bonus Chapter