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Married To A Cruel Billionaire

Chapter 3 Getting ready for the big day

Word Count: 2135    |    Released on: 22/02/2021

th la

t music played in the background. The tail of my veil fluttered as a gentle breeze blew. At the en


s almos

everything else getting sucked into i

eath of a bachelor... oh oh... letting the water fall... Th

up! Come on, Ember! I

ied nowmm..." I turned around an

ll be late for your weddin

t of the bed in a swift motion. A gasp left my mouth as I flew through the


bachelor' song set as the ringtone. Mom stood by the end of the bed, face hidden

lanket's faul

e bed gently and glided her hand over the fa

ned when a single tear

nd Beth will be here in five minutes, and you should take the call, hon. They'r

ed to form in the pit of my s

o her forehead as she saw my expression, and her feet moved back towards me. She sat

th of her soft car

s on their big day. I did too," her voic

can manage myself i

u can. You're my

rown as another question flooded my head. "Can you? Can you an

he's married. And of course, we can, silly. We're

. "I hope I can be as

rehead. "You already are." But then the smile was replaced with a frow

eyes. I wanted to tell

apart. Averting away from mom, I grabbed the ph

I gonna do? Tell her everything? How could I be so ca

ll, "Yeah, sure, d

ightstand to check why on earth


beloved clock on the floor, a


my skin. It had been a month since I accepted the Kings' proposal, and a month since the threats stopped. No more emails fro

y only to keep their worries at bay, not to push them back in another round. Eve

e love before marriage. In my nineteen years of life, I had tried many times to find the one for me, but the couple guys I dated l


door snapped me o

Come on! Hurry up, girl! We don't have all

ing out of the shower,

ning her nails. The pink gown she wore fit her petite body in every cu

lue eyes brightened. Walking to

make you look so sexy that Hunter King wo

ded up chuckling. "Wel

s my other girl, Bethany. Her pixie hair was a rat's net,

"What happe

red for Beth as she slapped some

ttany cheated

Ana pointed a brush in t

her sprawled posit

this bitch was no good.



itely digs you,

sure she won't

ve seen this idiot drool in her sleep." I pointed at

er magic on me. After what felt like hours did she finally m

ng open actually t

eautiful. My brown hair was pulled back in an updo with some curls freely falling

! You are so da

extended her

yed it, fla

y hand,

." I playfully raised

g dress from bed and shoved it

laces from top to bottom and flowed down from the waistline. I looked at my reflection in t

p my dream of finding true love an

a crush on him, still he was a complete stranger to me. Was I ready to sacr

I was. I was more than rea

g Beth's hair. She turned to look at me and frowned. "I s

ith tears as she observed me in my wedding dress. "My bab

g my heart squeeze remembering I would

ing, there's still time. Are you sure about your de

Yes, mum, I am. I told you those are just gossips. I met him.

he could see through my lies, then no

Your dad's waiti

all bed, my study table and the band posters on the wall seemed t

d dad engulfed me in a hug, his eyes glos

After all, I'm a Coll

My little princess has grown up so muc

the tug at my heart deepened. I bit the inner c

u, my little princess." This time

ruin her makeup," mom scolded dad while wi

s, I threw my hands around th

ey cried as their han

o not ready to

e the venue for the wedding. I was left awestruck as I stepped on the marbled floor of the hotel. The mag

er companies," Beth whispered from beside me, her and Ana's express

unded at the door of my bridal suite. "C

my feet and marched around the room, my

nd relax." Ana's firm grip held me i

r check. Makeup check. Dress check." Her expression turned i


lding her dress, she

ver do without you?" I t

another hottie like Hunter." She

th whined, joining

ber you both oompa-

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1 Chapter 1 The Proposal2 Chapter 2 Meeting the arrogant Mr King Jr.3 Chapter 3 Getting ready for the big day4 Chapter 4 The Wedding5 Chapter 5 The King's Mansion6 Chapter 6 Chocolate Mousse7 Chapter 7 Playing Cupid8 Chapter 8 Saving Doser9 Chapter 9 His facade10 Chapter 10 An infuriating spouse11 Chapter 11 Signing my death certificate12 Chapter 12 Office rules or quitter 13 Chapter 13 Journey to the devil's office14 Chapter 14 Game on, Sire!15 Chapter 15 Cursed coffee16 Chapter 16 Pent up emotions17 Chapter 17 The secret behind the blue door18 Chapter 18 From devil to savior and back to devil19 Chapter 19 Meeting with big fat beasts20 Chapter 20 Assistance21 Chapter 21 Wolf and the moon22 Chapter 22 His past and a new promise23 Chapter 23 Angry Gorillas24 Chapter 24 Stripping in the back of the car25 Chapter 25 Hunter King and generosity26 Chapter 26 Love Triangle 27 Chapter 27 Journey to Paris28 Chapter 28 Night at the hotel room29 Chapter 29 Grey eyes30 Chapter 30 Romantic stroll31 Chapter 31 Jealousy | part-132 Chapter 32 Jealousy | part-233 Chapter 33 Um... Squirrel34 Chapter 34 Masquerade ball35 Chapter 35 Mysterious masked twin 36 Chapter 36 Perfect landing into the woods37 Chapter 37 Bears and Thugs38 Chapter 38 Vampire monkey 39 Chapter 39 Not so Assholic40 Chapter 40 Gone41 Chapter 41 I love him42 Chapter 42 Goodbye California43 Chapter 43 Family Dinner44 Chapter 44 Lies45 Chapter 45 I quit46 Chapter 46 A little touch can do dangerous things47 Chapter 47 Return of the blue-eyed ranger48 Chapter 48 Lies-249 Chapter 49 Charity Ball50 Chapter 50 Seven hours in heaven51 Chapter 51 Kiss in drunk rain52 Chapter 52 I hate you53 Chapter 53 What the heart wants54 Chapter 54 Date55 Chapter 55 A familiar face, no, two!56 Chapter 56 The two face of Vienna57 Chapter 57 Raining secrets on a hill58 Chapter 58 A booming shot59 Chapter 59 You're my perfect lies60 Chapter 60 Rhythmic Chaos61 Chapter 61 Epilogue62 Chapter 62 Bonus Chapter