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Mr. Wolf's Secretary: A Sidekick Romance

Chapter 5 Fourth Chapter

Word Count: 1022    |    Released on: 18/01/2021

o their house after work, and Jacob thought that the day he would grant his mother's wish has arrived. "Are you free after work?" Jacob asked his secretary after he signed the document. Blair regrette

kind, and he has great qualities too, even if he's gay! "Why?

ver they're in a heated argument. "Okay, " she agreed. It's her job to drive his car, but when they get off from work, Jacob sat behind the wheel. She argued with him, but Jacob insisted on drivi

cob's blabber. What's the use of warning her about a cousin named Jenny when it was him who made her uncomfortable? "I'm not comfortable with the first name basis, Mr. Gordon. Shouldn't you focus on the road?" She implied that he should stop talking to her while he's driving. Jacob sighed deeply when he realized what he's doing. What's wron

"Really? I haven't seen a woman in action before, " she lied. Jacob gritted his teeth when he noticed the excitement in Blair's voice when they talked about Jenny. "You'll see later, " he answered. When they arrived at their d

first meeting, she ordered Jacob to go ahead while she would talk to him

rdon. "Why?" She asked. "So you can monitor your boss all the time, " Mrs. Gordon explained. "I'm a secretary, Mrs. Gordon, and not his nanny." She didn't mean to offend Jacob's mother, but she didn't understand why it was necessa

Jacob, then maybe she would have an answer to why she's attracted to a gay person. Blair said she would think about it, but Mrs. Gordon informed the rest of her family during dinner that she's moving in, and everyone was glad. What's wrong with Jacob's family? They should have voted against it because she's a stranger, but

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he replied. "You must have heard some rumors about me, " Jenny referred to the way Blare stared at her tummy. Blair nodded. She was supposed to answer only when being asked, but she's dying to know the truth from Jenny herself! "Did you have

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