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Mr. Wolf's Secretary: A Sidekick Romance

Chapter 2 First Chapter

Word Count: 1162    |    Released on: 18/01/2021

st person to become Jacob's secretary. Out of a hundred applicants, only one person stood out, and Carmela was excited to see him again. Based on her judgment as a mot

out. Carmela arched her perfectly shaded brows to Jacob for joking about her boyfriend. Maybe it would be fun to have a young m

ly a kindergarten. If anyone in the head office would hear them, it would be scandalous! "Perhaps you should refrain yourself from calli

r hand, and she had no choice. "Go ahead, Jacob. I'll have my favorite, and this guy here will have whatever you're having." Carmela ordered her son to go ahead to the restaurant while she and Stefan discussed something while walking. "So, what's your first impression on Jacob?" She asked. Blair blinked her eyes several times when Mrs. Gordon asked her a question not relevant to her work. "Hmmm, he's strict." She replied. Carmela laughed at his response because he guessed it correctly. Her son was already thirty-two years old but he's strict most of the time and his cousins feared him at home. "Don't you find him unusual?" She probed a little more because she's interested to know the man's observation on Jacob. She assumed that it's part of the interrogation process but she was informed last time that she was hired for the job. But why did the CEO's mother kept on questioning her? Deep inside, Blair hoped that she wouldn't make a mistake on her first day at the head office of Wolf Bank. It was the first company she applied for after shaving her head, and she passed the initial screening and moved on to the fina

was also trustworthy but he had to migrate t

, was a closet queen. It's only a hunch, but she's positive that the man was gay, and while thinking about the possibility, she couldn't help bu

d at the older woman before

erviewer saw her tattoo. Well, who wouldn't when the Chinese symbols were large enough to be seen by everyone? Tracy insisted on having it inked on her neck and the artist agreed with Tracy. Initially, she disagreed with the idea of a neck tattoo because

ust recently got? Did he know how much pain she tolerated just to have it? "I was informed that having a tattoo wouldn'

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