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Mr. Wolf's Secretary: A Sidekick Romance

Chapter 3 Second Chapter

Word Count: 1076    |    Released on: 18/01/2021

't afraid of women. He couldn't hurt a single woman, because of his mother! His grandmother would scold him for being a mama's boy, but he wasn't a mama's boy either. He just wanted to make his mot

at his mother for moral support when he ordered to have his tattoo removed! "Baby, it's just a tattoo! Common, please be reasonable." Carmela Gordon reasoned out on behalf of the newly-hired secretary.

Jacob's mother gestured her to begin eating. For a moment, they focused on their breakfast, but in no time at all, Jacob was at it again. He glared at Blaire for acting weak in the eyes of his gullible mother. "So, how old are you, Mr. Cuizo

He insinuated that the man would resort to gold-digging to achieve his dreams and goals in life. "Big dreams? I'm not sure, but I only dream to have a stable job." She replied. For her, it's a struggle to stay longer in one company, and she wishe

shook his head at Blair's blatant lie. The guy was good at lying, and he lost his appetite just by sitting at the same table with him. He scowled at the newly-hired, but his mother caught him glaring at

s silent, and she didn't know how to engage him in a less awkward conversation. When

's wrong. After she closed the door behind her, she followed him insi

er first day at work for goddamn sake! Jacob thought that it would be his best chance to be clear with him. They're going to work together, and he wouldn't like to have a bad relationship with his secretary. "Will you be

question with another one when Bla

k your mother if I'm dating her?" She suggested, and J

ons, and causing her to be unhappy was the last on his list. "Are

at him, she would have done it already. Blair concluded that Jacob Gordon has a serious mental problem. When he asked about her relationship with Carmela

d once again, she was attracted to the way his adam's apple moved. She had to shake her head to stop imagining him and her together…in bed! Jacob gritted his teeth as he tried to control himself from squeezi

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