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Chapter 4 Four

Palabras:1469    |    Actualizado en: 05/04/2024

l her the reasons for his fights at school no matter how Anna trys to get it out of him. Axel and Larry spent less time together, sometimes the boy o

up very early today and he took his bath himself, Anna was try

arry ca

wered while helping

the only ones I take are they ones Uncle Adam buy

want me to do"Anna

e some

ontinued to

nd you make the best ice cream in the

m is not going to work

ontinued to beg Anna

ake ice cream for y



, but

ake it together w

f he was thinking befor

happily as the opened the doo

as usual completely ignoring Axel's room, study and office si

dry before proceeding to get

pplies for the ice cream ready, it was time to


's waiting area but Larry was not yet out, she waited for at lea

t didn't see any one there sh


am how can

om your class. Have you seen h

u to him ex


y left immediately

dismissal" Anna was now really concerne

is La

t I can't see him. We have to go look for him or I don't know how I will live kno

n we will

the school searching ev

p of students laughing and cornering someone. She decided

t happene

ieted down and

are you g

aw Larry crying with his kne

those kids thinking about ki

t you"Larry v

e, stand up

y explained a lot to Anna. She carried him out o

t teacher?!!!

." The school's head

infact you know what I will call his father now and tell him everything and you know what else will happen he is

this won't repeat ever ag

t's go" She said leaving the school La

The school's head said

ng ladies the had seen Axel with who just concerned themselves with c


nna's lap till t

d them holding Larry's hands, the boy's eyes were red and

Adam as the walked down the stairs to the

ow, he didn't cry when his mom left him

w he will g

table silence for a whi

cream I promised him" She said standi

d while I go ba

you for s

what i

l what happened to Larry, I woul

to get on trouble, you know if he hears it from others,

g the ice cream while thi


he also added cookies too, she wanted to bring him f


le and start on Larry's bed before

e asked him, while hel


s d

w what those sen

an tell me anytime"Anna answered

ant to t

dear. What did

ber those brui

s I

.and...call me a sissy and they...(sniffles)..and tell me my mot

h Anna was already crying an

She didn't leave you, believe me she loves you and I love you to

ug laughing and Anna brought Larry his ice cream even though it had melte

could remember the first time she saw him do that, she was surprised and not to lie at bit disgusted but seeing him do that same thing now made her really happened, how times had changed

issue must stop and she was going to s

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