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Chapter 3 Three

Palabras:1101    |    Actualizado en: 04/04/2024


s s

ked so normally making

is ro

he ea

ookies sir, he said he is full before I left him to f

needed before turning to leave,

s" Anna asked Adam whe


ting, mea

at bad, you know, he wasn't

what cha

e, she l

t sir is perfect why wo


ing, maybe that was why La

and his dad were having a small

ching them it was great s

good boy"Axel's voice wo

s s

ou" Larry chi

you just wanted to

nd and countinued eatin

nna an


half of your food at all

excess food, plea

ing Larry out of his cha

and go brush your teeth" Anna sai

na, fol


th and tucked him to sleep, she left the r


nswered Axel was



walked to his home office

good" Axal aske

s s

you decided that it was a waste if your time to

didn't want to di

d w

ut he didn't want to talk about it, but I was

ed to tell

ou when you where le

Because am busy does not mea

happen again I promise" An

ourself fired. I want to be the first to know abo

r. Am so

Axel said count

straight to her room she went to bed thinking of the tal

Waking up early to prepare Larry for school, taking him to school, coming

talk to and the fact that she always had a lot to

nce that was Larry's favorite flavor which she had heard Adam say once. At

go for a very simple cake but with childi

shark up, Larry had never tried to hide his dislike towards her, always glaring at her even if he was not good at it, never

st the design she was not paid extra for that , by the tim

s school today?"

wered in his usu

upstairs, I will

he stairs, Anna finished up the cake preparation

out a bit, but there was no reply or respo

he saw Larry massaging

Larry, wh

t but Larry had alrea

ery concerned and her face with squint

rry answered

s a red spot

s nothing wr

ght in school, since you have refused to tell me what hap

I just hit my hand o

ceeded to get the first aid box. She knew Larry was lying because he wouldn't possibly keep bumpin

ith his work while getting him to talk about his day. At least she wa

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