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Chapter 2 Two

Palabras:1051    |    Actualizado en: 04/04/2024

the one"

n that brought Anna in

Axel said look

e boy answered

ing Ann. judging looks before l

was the easiest job int

ught her in properly the master'

hind him. He leads her into what see

ung master's needs and te

sely and took lot

xx dollars and if you work for 1

o be earning thrice her normal pay

n the wardrobe so settle in properly, your

Anna said and w

f she works for the next three months she will save up enou

e could even get much sleep that thinking about her dream

e kitchen she prepares breakfast an

ey Larry"

d and looked up at An

ready, Anna took Larry down for breakfa

back home to arrange Larry's room. Walking

Anna greeted but th

was messy. She worked for about an hour and thirty minute

m too. She walked into the room, it was a study with shelves filled with books. Sh

e looking angry, she tried to walk back but

I didn't know

ere?"Axel asked with


ve any bus

n and decided to clean here too I didn't kn

" Axel asked looking at like s

care of

rry's room?


don't ever enter this room

swered scurrying

breath. "All this rich people have their way of

gets to school, She asks around a little for Larry's

id this?" Anna asked a conc

me you got

one." Larry replied walking to

t Anna angrily which made her uncomfortable. "How can

e to have for lunc

ot hu

omething at least,


ling rather mischievously she w

he kitchen, she starts preparing a nice co

s room with her cookies and ice cream in t

aper. Anna sits close to him and starts eating like she was

y staring at her and continued

are" Anna

ut then his stoma

nother thing, here have some" An

" Larry

re you

ed looking at Anna like s

is was the same way his father

his snacks she stood up and left him alone

n and saw the Driver Ad


a how a

wered sitting on a

n I ask you

Adam answered l

Larry's mom like

s not

oked around before

she is dead


, Three y


said leaving Anna


ing at Axel who had possib

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