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Love and Hearbreaks

Capítulo 3 3

Palabras:2296    |    Actualizado en: 09/01/2024

s office, in his bathroom, in my office, in my bathroom. One early morning, I went to the room where the photocopier was; he arrive

our lives, dreams, plans, concerns, hesitations – everything. We bared our souls and were ourselves without any filters. I felt

to their father's, I stayed at h

ring that week, we also took the opportunity to sightsee and do tourism. We looked like a couple, walking hand i

ys with his family. I knew that our story had an expiration date and that sooner rather than later, I would become his past,

he Christmas dinner, opening gifts, and seeing their excited faces, I suffered thinking about him. My jealousy did not leave me alone; I dreamt

ionship. I already knew it, but I confirmed that what we

e made love as soon as we arrived. We spent the entire day loving each other and satisfying ourselves. In the a

long. He also said that when he was on his way to the United States to see his family, he had decided to talk to his wife and tell her everything. He was going to end his relationship with her in the best feasible way and

nd be with her throughout the process. He made me no promises for the future. Crying, he said that unfortunately, he had met me late. He told me that I was what he had always sought, dreamed, and

to live with his family. We hugged and cried. Amid tears, I told him that I understood, supported him, and did not expect anything else but the same course

forget him, that I too would

I cursed the times of life; we met too late. Why did I fall in love with him, and he with me, if our love could never

o hard to forget him, and it would be challenging to give another person the opportunity, as he fi

ould need more time to forget him, but I promised myself that someday I would forget him and give myself the chance for another love. I deserved it; I was a good per

he did not either. I learned to live without him, living peacefully without shocks, but with an immense void that I never

et someone to finally forget Alvaro. Pablo, that was the name of the man I met. He was a coworker of the brother of one of my friends. He was very handsome

he became part of my life and my daily routine. He was great company, but there was something that did not fit. I have never been one of those

t felt nostalgic. With Pablo, I smiled frequently; we started to have stories and anecdotes together. My family a

I dressed up to have sex in a more entertaining way, and he did not like it at all, saying that was something for p

ught of Alvaro when making love to him. Pablo did not let me pla

was an important event, and I wanted everything to be perfect. I was d

rossed the street to get in my way. I braked abruptly to avoid hitting it, and instinctively, I closed my eyes. While doing so, I s

ghtly. When I opened my eyes, the dog was gone, as it had run to meet its owner, who had arrived ne

es, and moments we had lived passed before me, and I understood that ours would be forever, that my heart only beat for him and no one else.

e turned around and continued jogging; I pressed the accelerator and continued my w

everything was related to the professional field. I did not know what he was doing in C

g around to see if I could get some information about Alvaro. I found out that they had moved to Chile because his wife had finished cancer treatment and was doing better.

any moment, I would see him appear in the office. That d

south of Chile, specifically to Pucon, and stayed there for two

Pablo was determined to win them over, and he cared about them. Besides, he was very generous and always bought them toys, clothes, and indulg

He dedicated songs to me and flattered me, but alway

love him and feel he was an indispensable part of my life, al

d changed the subject. I did not want to get married again, perhaps because I had already been married once, or simply because he was not the right one

ur relationship was stable, with ups and downs like all romantic relationships, but I could say I felt happy and at p

I liked it. I had the opportunity to discover new places, meet new people, and I alwa

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