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Idols English

Capítulo 4 4

Palabras:892    |    Actualizado en: 08/01/2024

ything. I went to the home of one of them who was single, and for a week all I did was sleep, cry, and pour my heart out to them. After a week, I realized I couldn't ke

ations, and we all went to the Caribbean for a week. Spending time with them did me a world of good. We talked a lot, reminisced about the past, I enjoyed my nephews who had grown so much, and I shared my romantic adventure with my Adonis without revealing too much detail. After listening to their opinions and receiving plenty of advice, especially from

bastian, and told him I was back

use. It had been many months since I had seen

ry to maintain the romance, but neither of us was tied to each ot

hat the affection hadn't disappeared, but the romantic love was no longer there. Although I needed his hug at that moment, as I always felt protected by him, his skin felt u

ere was no one else in his life. Despite the distance we

. He said he would be patient, that I shouldn't worry about him, and that at least now I would be closer, and he would do his best to make up for lost time. I didn't say anything, what could I say? I knew that, at least at that moment, it was impossible. How could I get my

e and not knowing anything about him would help. I wanted to give myself

ne out of affection and complacency. She told me that if it wasn't my Adonis, then it should be someone else, it didn't have to be Sebastian. The right person would come into my life eventually. I agreed with her, but I couldn't push Sebastian out of my life, bec

riends, but she never mentioned my Adonis aga

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