Bones / Being Further Adventures in Mr. Commissioner Sanders' Country
Author: Edgar Wallace Genre: LiteratureBones / Being Further Adventures in Mr. Commissioner Sanders' Country
on either side of Sanders' big table, wet towels about their heads, mastering the intricacies of the military code; for Tib
taring up at his subordinate and running his finger a
icer shall, if an officer, suffer death or such less punishment as in this Act mentioned.' Which means," said
nes, admiringly, "an' a
liar-which I should be justified in doing-and you give me
law, is it?" aske
" said
ang. "I don't want any book to teach me what to do with a feller
n," said
s I thi
ch his superior had pushed over, "An
in the doorway, naked but for the wisp of skirt at his waist. Ham
his easy Bomongo tongue, "why
geons I sent, but these the hawks took-a fisherman saw one taken by the Kasai, and my o
y, for he smelt trouble. You do
k," h
bo evilly, and says that the Chief has raided him. In what manner these things will come about," Kelili went on, with the lofty indifference of one who
e conversation wi
ple say?" as
t Sandi has gone an
inned. "Oh, ain't there?"
gnant Bones, "we'll jolly well
e and a message to the effect that N'gori spent much of his waking moments in wondering how he might best serve
e in rhetoric and aptness of hyperbole, and when the messenger had gone Bosambo showed his appreciation of N'gori's love
ain roots: some that taste sweet and are bitter in the end, an
gh they were so many canes. There was a roaring of winds and a crashing of thunders, and the blue-white lightning snicked in and out of the forest or tore sprawling cracks in the sky. In the Ochori city
li man of the Ochori to hear the message that N'gori sent-the pan
of the Zaire pounding away upstream, steami
imself, and summoned his sergeant. "Ali," said he, i
l at night. I am your man, Master," said he in a fret, "yet never have I travelled with so
d away, the reckless Houssa made a face at the darkness. "If old man Ham would
and Bosambo, early astir, met the lank figure of the youth, his slick sword dangling, his long revolver h
he Ochori country we talk of no other thing than the new, thin
alaver is this I hear? I come from Government to right all wrongs-this is evidently
Coast. "I be Bosambo, good chap, fine chap
is chest and
id affably: "what the dooce i
city were standing about at a respectful distance, awe-stricken b
feller: I be good feller, sah-C'istian, sah!
land. Then he learned of the dance which Bosambo had frustrat
ew N'gombi spears that were going out to the Akasava day by day; and when Bosambo told of the midnight summons tha
"You're a jolly old sportsman, Bosambo," he said very seriously, "and you're in the dooc
l, hearing, without understanding,
ce," agreed Bones, and screwed his eyeg