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Uncle Sam's Boys with Pershing's Troops / Or, Dick Prescott at Grips with the Boche


Word Count: 1130    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

llen fellows stood as tho

y baleful glances were cast at Sergeant

ing two or three of the ras

ndrels say?" dema

like the situ

hey help the situation in the

shrugged hi

own pirates what

the question into the two tongues

not know," replied Vi

l. "Then I'll form their decisions for the

ba hesitate

a, tell your fellows to open the way out of here, and to get out as quickly as they know how. Tell them that, as soon as you stop talking, I'm going to begin to count ten in English, an

th his left hand. It fell with a crash, and the light went out, but he ne

to say. Be sure you get it straight, too. Re

not help admiring the evident courage of this little Filipino, who knew

slight protection against the pistols of these surly fellows in case they evidenced a dispo

queried Hal Overton, as soon



hen they are idiot

I am going to

spoke, this

shoulder tightened. A slight shudder ran through th

" beg

beyond an angry babe

e clamor, merely raised his ow


to throw his arm around the fellow's neck. Tomba's head was dra


among the dark



s are cheerful about your

eable among the wretches, though whether they meant to obey or t


s shuddering had increased, though the little brown man, no match in muscle for the wh

rton, his voice on the ver

e, this time sti

er away. Then one of the wretches stepped forward and


se men have yielded and are going. They will open the other do

Tagalo friend! I will suspend

by one of the surly fellows, revealing a pas

one of the rascals may forget himsel

ad for you if

king, se?or!" returned the Fili

rely we can pass

upon our success! Don't try to go more quickly than I mov

ttle Filipino. "I understand you better

eft-handed hold on Tomba as the pair

g a slope paved only with tightly packed dirt. Glancing up the slope

e queried in mi

he night of another day," laughed Vicente Tomba, "f

y returned graciously. "In your way, Tomba, y

ily closed by means of a stout wooden door. The pair found themselves in the ya

re, se?or, with your

me, and still held by me, at least

sented to this. On their way throug

the sidewalk, they were


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