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Uncle Sam's Boys with Pershing's Troops / Or, Dick Prescott at Grips with the Boche


Word Count: 2240    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

nly distant glimpses of land, o

he sun beat down with a heat that would have wilted most of the pa

the women. Most of the married officers of the Thirty-fourth had brought their families along with them, and so children played along the saloon deck, or

tals service, the islands civil service, or were planters or merchants of wealth and

. Each enlisted man, by way of a bed, had a bunk whose frame was of gas pipe, to

some two score natives of the islands who were making the journey for one reason or an

ant that quarters were at least sufficiently crowded. Yet the soldiers, with the cheerful

forenoon. At the head of B Company's quarters, two decks below, young Overton sat at a little table, busily working over

eatly and thrust them into a long, official envelope, which he endorsed and blotted. Rising,

nt," grinned comfortable Noll Terry, as his chum came upon

ton, smiling. "You see, you've just been loafing this morning, almost ev

it," retorted Noll, as the two boyi

and is on deck at this mom

e minutes ago,

ame to the forward rail of the saloon deck an

dy, Sergeant?" the

hrough the throng of soldiers, he ascended the steps to

you, Se

t, sir. I'm somewhat new at the wo

pains taken with any wo

k you

out to turn away when

the Moros in these southern i

ppened to turn, and stop

geant Overton started at s

, that time it rained so hard," flashed through the young sergeant's astonished

ard at the stranger. It appeare

ly, looking keenly at Hal, "are yo

rgeant Hal re

u thought y

y remembered havi

mory is better than mine, Sergeant.

Pasig River at Manila. You were in a shed, out of th

r uneasiness nor resentment. Instead

eant, and now I'm certain of it, f

n for the mistake, sir

t, for you have done no harm,"

and's voice broke

mere fact of his having made a mistake. Sergeant Overton is one of our b

eplied Draney pleasantly. "It seems odd, doesn't it, Capt

ergeant. He is acting first sergeant of B Company, and

ied Draney. "I certainly c

hing an inquiring look at his company commander, and saluting that officer, Hal next

very upright young man, Ca

Cortland. "I am certain th

tested, I presume?" persis

trustworthy young man, i

el somewhat annoyed, for, truth to t

interested in the joys of life, or is he of the qu

d in Sergeant Overton, Mr. Draney,"

y blandly. "I was wondering if my estimate of the y

easures. He is a good deal of a student, and that type is never interested in drin

ust stepped out on deck from his stat

to speak with the c

aptain met they

reported, in a low voice. "I did not tell him, however, that I wished

smiled Colonel North, e

do not," Cort

ition to give the military authorities useful information of intended native mischief. Draney is a very big planter, you know, and white planters are somewhat scarce in the Moro country. It is one of the great disappointments of our government that more American capital is not invested in establishing great plan

Draney is a plan

a dozen very succe

d by the Moros, sir?" in

him in his investments. Rath

sir," replied Cap

aloon deck, went forward, descending to the spar deck. There, under the aw

one, "you seemed, this forenoon, to feel a good


t you know a

and their subsequent meeting with Tomba and Draney on the south side of the Pasig. Hal also repeated

he captain musingly. "Sergeant Overton, do you think it po

eve it possible. Besides, I have pointed out Mr. Draney to Se

there. It proved, however, to be nothing but the herding of the Filipino passengers on de

d to their conversation, b

passing glance at the Filipino standing away up in

hardly know him in that costume of

the man is Tomba?" inquir

ung sergeants decla

corporal, and allow us to accompany you, sir, you can see whether Hyman

y the test

an, "though he looks a lot different, sir, from th

d the fact that, close to them, crouching under the canvas cover of a life boat as it swung at davits, lay one of the keen-eyed Filipino pass

d, less than an hour later, to Mr. Draney, planter, and that gentleman,

arren" was still ploughing her way through the sea, the little

both Filipinos spoke in their



ergeant Overton and Sergeant Terry have recogniz

s to little. Se?o

so has Corporal Hyman. More, they have told Captai

te Tomba, his snarl showi

gs that are troublesome. You have others here with you who can help. At the first chance, then, Overt

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