Tom Swift and The Visitor from Planet X
tronic brain. Both Tom and Bud dashed over to the machi
each other excitedly as
s a peaceful place, Ole Think Box i
g that Bud's words were all too true. The space visitor might also take back impressions of the suffering and war
e must not only make the best use of the brain energy during its stay on earth,
nd of girls' voices. Sandy and Phyl were standing i
thinkers!" Sand
f the brain trust," Phyl added with a mischievous sparkle
hat do you think, Tom-are these the visito
outed. "Do we look like a co
. "I think it's just your pointed heads that fooled us, Sis." Then, as th
d come to invite the boys to a picnic
time anyhow," Sandy went on, her blue eyes twinkling,
it's a deal. But first we have something to show you." He to
Sandy exclaimed,
-red convertible. Then they stopped at the Newtons' house to pick
to be well fed," Bud commented jok
am sandwiches.
-boiled eggs, potato s
milk..." Sandy
hungry as bears a
"Come on! Let's get t
Sunspot, a beautiful thirty-foot sailing ketch with auxiliary engine which Mr. Swift and Mr
he hull. These gave it amazing smoothness even when plowing through rough seas. They
y for a sail!" Phyl sai
was ruffling the lake into tiny whitecaps. The two couples cast off
he Sunspot reached the center of the lake, the boys hove to, stripped down to their trunks, and dived overboard. Meanwh
with a giggle. "After a feast lik
Tom and Bud will use that as an e
e off wi
board. The others paled. An enormous wave was sw
ud gulped. "It's
under the swells that prece
Grab life jackets whil
nt the terrifying wave rushed closer! By
disaster struck. The mammoth wave swept up the Sunspot and heeled it far over into the trough
g under!" P
inmast bent and groaned. A moment later came a crack like a gunshot. The mast broke off, hung teeterin
fully as he struggled i
limp. Bud's husky arm circled her tightly. Then he began to fight his way toward shore. Tom and Phyl-
ually became calmer in its wake. Tom was able to assi
ng to the hulk in the hope that a rescue boat would arrive, the four decided to continue on toward shore. T
craft and heads bobbing in the water. A few daring persons finally b
oats took Tom's group aboard. Minutes la
andy?" Bud asked, his
d weakly, "but I must hav
as Sandy swayed and shuddered fr
olded tarpaulin provided by the sympathetic boatman. Phyl,
girls home as soon as
evastation along the entire shore front. Many docks had been wrecked, b
yacht club pier, they found the car completely waterlogged.
groaned. "The
injured. Tom, Bud, and the two girls were given a lift to the Swift home
he water front and interviewing witnesses of the disaster. To the two boys, the most interesting n
cept along the water front
e living room. "Bud, I feel sure that wall of water was caused by a minor eart
er himself. "If you're right, pal, it's the most fiendish sabotag
grimly. "I
TV set again as a studio announcer's
on. The Foundation's buildings, containing many priceless government and scientific documents, were badly damaged, and
. Some calls were from friends, others from strangers. Many of
ss you know by now the public's aroused and in a state of near panic over all these quakes. What th
. "Yes, I am!" he snapped. "