II Victor Appleton
II Victor Appleton's Books(2)
Tom Swift and The Visitor from Planet X
Literature From the book:Tom, we're having a problem with the gyro-stabilizer, said Mark Faber, gray-haired president of the Faber Electronics Company. "Hope you can find out what's wrong." The eighteen-year-old inventor accepted the challenge with a smile. "I'll be glad to try, sir," he replied. Bud Barclay, a dark-haired young flier and Tom Swift Jr.'s closest friend, chuckled. "If anyone can get the bugs out of your new invention, genius boy here will do it!" The two boys followed Mr. Faber and his engineers to a wooden building which was tightly guarded. Inside, a secret rocket-telemetering device was mounted on its test stand. "As you know, Tom," Mr. Faber began, "the usual conditions of rocket flight will be -" He broke off with a gasp of astonishment as the whole building suddenly began to shake. Tom Swift and the Electronic Hydrolung
Literature From the book:Tense, excited men gazed spaceward from the ships and planes of the South Atlantic task force. Other watchers waited breath-lessly in the control room of the ship Recoverer. Among these was Tom Swift Jr. "How close to earth is our Jupiter probe missile?" Bud Barclay asked Tom excitedly. The lanky blond youth beside him, in T shirt and slacks, shot a glance at the dials of the tracking equipment. "Eight thousand miles from this spot, Bud. It should land here in fifteen minutes!" Tom Jr., his father, Bud, and a host of scientists, Navy officers, and newsmen were crowded aboard a U.S. Navy missile launching ship. "Just think!" Bud exulted. "You'll have data from the planet Jupiter that no one on earth has yet been able to get!" "If we recover the missile safely," Mr. Swift spoke up hopefully. The elder scientist's voice was quiet but taut with the strain of waiting. The two Swifts resembled each other closely - each had deep-set blue eyes and clean-cut features - although Tom was somewhat taller and rangier.