The Camp Fire Girls Go Motoring; Or, Along the Road That Leads the Way
Author: Hildegard G. Frey Genre: LiteratureThe Camp Fire Girls Go Motoring; Or, Along the Road That Leads the Way
st from her was the worst calamity they could conceive of. They were very much puzzled and a little hurt that she should have run away and left them as she did. It was so unlike Nyoda. On al
bed. Gladys made up her mind to wire her f
taken his place. Evidently Dr. Caxton was going to do the job thoroughly. Towards noon a buggy drove in
imed Mrs. Martin cordi
country," said Dr. Lane, in a pleasant voice. "I did n
y yesterday that I sent for Dr. Caxton from B--. We'll have to keep him now, I suppose, but do
for your grandfather. His pockets bulged suspiciously as though they contained bags of lemon drops
hey had scarlet fever
aid Mrs.
ey've got prickly heat. If Dr. Caxton called that scarle
s left immediately. They sped over the road to Ft. Wayne as fast as the Striped Beetle could carry them. They went to the Potter Hotel and naturally discovered that we had not stayed there. I believe they had held to the hope all the time that we had arrived after the telegram had gone back undelivered. They stood around irresolutely until
en started post-haste on the road to Chicago. Pearl looked from one to the other of the girls with fear and suspicion in her face
ively watched the road behind them as if she feared pursuit, but some of the scared rabbit look was going out of her eyes when she began to realize that the width of a whole state lay between her and her persecutors and they had absolutely no clue to her whereabouts.
they were Camp Fire Girls, and wanted
he said with a sigh, "maybe I wouldn't have been so lonesome all the time. And I wo
said Hinpoha, optimistically. "There
yish and helpless as she was was a revelation to them. Everyone of them wished devoutly that she cou
n our group?" she suggested. "I'm sure Nyoda would take you in. When Migwan goes to college she won't be able to attend the meetings re
r could do it. I'm afraid to go to a bigger city for fear I'll get into trouble again. And I never could do the t
the money to go to college when things seemed determined to go against me. Which is all perfectly nonsensical; the chance of earning money to g
hey would take her back to Cleveland wit
inpoha decided to take a picture of them. "Oh, this film's finished," she said impatiently, examining her camera. "I'll
said Gladys good-natured
the cow and her calf in a friendly and coaxing manner not to walk away before she could take them. But sh
matter?" a
unk here." cried Hi
e trunk, containing all their extra clothes, ha
npoha, ready to cry with distress
did we have it last? We had it in Ft. Wayne, I know, because we opened it there. It must have been taken of
he talk about the trunk and said he was the man who had made the adjustment on the car and he noticed that the trunk rack seemed to be sagging and took off the trunk to fix it. He had not put the trunk on again, because just then he had been called to help install new gears in a car for a man who was i
her tragically. Their trunk
did he start?"
r," answered
dys, resolutely. "We need that trunk.
n, Marion and Anderson; I heard him talking about it. That's one of the main roads out of here. You ought to be able to overtake him on the way; he's a slow driver and his motor was missing pretty badly.
put it on the wrong car. "Funny how well it fitted that other rack!" he said. But Gladys says there is nothing peculiar about tha
his home. Fortune played into their hands in that they found good roads all the way and had no breakdowns, and sometime after eight they reached Indianapolis. There were half a dozen George Hansens in the telephone book, four of whom were away on automobile trips. But further inquiry brought out the fact that one of them did own a seven passenger brown W-- car. He was ex
nt down to the Young Women's Christian Association, where they could spend the night. Gladys concluded that Nyoda must be told if possible where they were, and judging that she had re
trunk. Shortly afterward their telegram came back undelivered from the Carrie Wentworth Inn in Chicago, with the notation, "Party not registered." That threw them into a state of bewilderment, but Gladys,
all their substance in a riotous feeding of nickels into the public telephone. Which they proceeded to do. But their vigil was vain, for he came not and it became apparent that they must either depart without the trunk or stay there another night. Gladys was for going o
car when he left the repair shop in Ft. Wayne, but then, he had not looked particularly. He had made several stops on the way home on business-he was a traveling salesman-and that was how they had passed hi
here was the trunk now? It might be anywhere between the north and south poles in that length of time. Gladys's only hope was now t
It was from the Carrie Wentworth Inn and was dated midnight of the night before. It re
ere Nyoda and the girls doing in Rochester, when t
"It's never where you expect to find it. I really believe Nyoda ha
ad to Indianapolis," she said. "We can make the run in a few hours.
e we received that
u? Wait Rochester for
o make the city just at that time, and the streets were crowded with motor cars of every description. Gladys looked shar
see that scarf again
in their big fine cars with drivers and bull dogs. "It must
nnebagos excelled in some particular thing. When Hinpoha asked her what her favorite play was she answered that she had never been to the theater and considered it wicked. She opened her eyes in disapproval when Hinpoha mentioned motion pictures. Hinpoha had been on the verge of launching out on our escapade with the film company the summer before, but checked herself hastily. She also suppressed the fact that I had written scenarios, which fact Hinpoha glories in a great deal more than I do and which she generally sprinkles into pe
nd Chapa and Medmangi decided that they too would like a stroll beside the river, after sitting in the car so long. Pearl did not care to get out; she offered to stay in the car and hold the purses of the other girls until they returned. The four
ghed Hinpoha, who never will grow up and
the face too long, and announced that it was time to be under way. Reluctant
t little wayside idyll
d Beetle there was nothing but empty air. Car, Pearl, and four pu