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The Boy Allies with Uncle Sam's Cruisers


Word Count: 1294    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

aved to in response to the Vaterland's shot across her bow. The Gloucester wa

came to, sat a man in an invalid c

om," ordered the invalid as

but was back in a few min

, suh," he said.

the invalid's chair. "

the invalid passed the word for

id Captain Tuc

derstand," said the inv

Mr. Ha

he first, second a

moments later the three off

a pleasure cruise. I was not willing that a German raider should interfere with


officer, Mr. Sanborn

third officer,

" said Mr. Hamilt

bring my bags and stow them in the cutter yonde

anded and again took

id Mr. Hamilton

" questione


in't no weapon I got here. I just c

a pair of b

n, "but be sure you put them

nd 'em," chuc

er and stowed the brass knuckles

dered a gangway rigged. Mr. Hamilton's chair was wheeled to this gangway,

terland's officer, leap

ain?" he

he said. "This," he indicated Mr. Hamilton, "is the ow

cannot be given more

I am under necessity o

nue his voyage abo

aterland and a short time later a rumbling exp

arger cabins, near the captain's own. Hamilton spoke to Captain Koenig in fluen

valid glanced sharply at Jack and Frank. Neither lad manifeste

who was to be allowed to tend Mr. Hamilton personally, were soon l

in paying a visit to the cabin found

ptain Koenig. "So

" said Mr.

"I too love the game. I shall be pleased to

Captain," said Mr.

the negro, who, upon the captain's departure, had taken the b

eep those knuckles out of sight

d Tom, and hid the

e I want you to station yourself outside the door. And I


of sight. There'll be no use for them


on his cushions as he ordered Tom to open the door.

r. Hamilton, and to see if there is anything I can do fo


g woman," he said. "I'm not hal

d the robe from his lap and s

ton stepped ba

ought-" s

g," said Hamilton with

ton, are


d a box, which he opened. There lay at least a doze

ave need of it, although if nothing goe

that moment Tom poked his head in the door indicating that some on

ilton, who was again in his invalid chair covered with a

u, sir," said Frank, "although

I had expected," laughe

be. "Have you found o

briefly. He produced a long sheet of p

s?" demande

d Jack quietly. "I ob

though he doe

ord Hastings, and e

finger to

the compartment below are perhaps two hundred other prisoners. Abaft this compartment is the strong room in wh

ngs, and briefly sketched a

re must be no slip. A slip means failure

hen Frank and Jack took their leave at the expirat

omorrow morning,

nk instructed. "Yo

ve it your own way. Six bells

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