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The Boy Allies with Uncle Sam's Cruisers

The Boy Allies with Uncle Sam's Cruisers



Word Count: 1526    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

the sidewalk along the drive that marked the entrance to Lord Hasting's London home and at sight of

I feared something had happened, you have been

laughed Jack, grasping

ne less than

d to be gone onl

going to happen, you know. I wasn't sure I s

t had you come a day

's t

orrow night,

just in time," declared Ja

y, but personally I


war on Germany. I have heard it said that immediatel

got to do wit

onvoys for the American transports. I believe

st rate, for a ch

e way into the house. "Where have

, making himself comfortable in a big armc

ference with

ady Ha

will be back before long. Now let's

n't amount to m

've yo

lose to H

t! A

e day and said that the admiralty had need of a single

nk, "and we drew straws to see

and was straightway informed that I would do as well as another. Captain Ames was in command of the Bri

anded Frank. "And what wa

search out German mines ahead of the battlesh

ed Frank. "I hadn't he

raid a s

," replied

n," sai

iled Jack. "Give me

ed for a few moments. Th

urage and daring to the point of rashness. Where an officer would be justified-even duty bound-by navy standards to run aw

"You are not feeling a bit

n of his caliber. However, I've been pretty close to death myself, and having come as close to a fellow as dea

re," said Frank dryly

mixed up in the German mine fields and so close to the fortress itself that we were in range of the land batteries as well as the big guns of the Ger

d Frank. "I

Jack, "who's tel

d Frank hastil

of us little fellows than one of the dreadnoughts, so we steamed ahead like a fan with nets spread and a sharp lookout. We l

e their fire. Might better have saved their powder and let us run into the fields and be blown to bits, you will say. Not at all. They would consider th

our way and sitting on the slippery edge

ting warmer

don't suppose we did much good. It makes a fellow feel better, however, as you know, if he's barking back. It's funny how most

was part of

hart showed the channel to be, and we supposed that they had been u

them so they could have their guns already set for anything that came near

know, it often happens that when a vessel is steaming head-on very fast, it is difficult t

around us that we were almost smothered in the spray. We had all b

e out one of our boilers. I was on the

calmly as though we were at maneuvers and o

thers who had been more badly hurt by the explosion. There wasn't enough of the water tight c

as my feet were on the bottom of the ladder there was another crash. The body of a ma

ridge was almost carried away. Captain Ames lay under a light steel beam and I thought he was dead. I ran over to him. As

r leg!' he shouted,

dered. Then he twisted the cloth around

?' he demanded. 'On

ed Ames, and added, 'Well, we'

used a

cried Frank. "G

his throat

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