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The Boy Allies with Haig in Flanders; Or, the Fighting Canadians of Vimy Ridge


Word Count: 1370    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

t beneath the smiling faces of five members of the party was a suppressed excitement, for this dinner had been given by Mrs. Schweiring for

an minister of foreign affairs and one or two other high dipl

ch included evening clothes. Dinner over, Mrs. Schweiring, her daughter Gladys, and the wife of

to accept a cigarette each. McKenzie, however, had no su

with young Captain Rentzel, son

spent some years in A

s," retu

like the

shrug. "There are some very nice peo

er, "although I have never been there. Do you thin

tters. Besides, I understand that there are quite a few German agents at work there now. Wi

he young German; "Yet you have

ly; "not enough to make me los

len under suspicion and consequently will be of no further value. We need more such men who have lived in Ame

" said Ha

o with me a


of the secret service. As such, he has charge of the a

if I am unable to acc


replied the G


t in general conversat

ose to tak

of your friends, Miss Schweir

out a bit, Frederick," laughed Mrs. Schweiring's

e young captain

lf in the palatial office of the

e personal property of General Rentzel. Great easy chairs were scattered about the room. Ther

table place,"

German. "Father believes in

n appearance a few moments later. He manifested no s

llows had gone to look

on. "I invited. Herr Blo


ined as quick

luded, eying Hal sharply. "How do I know you are w


on's suggestion. He said you might have a proposition to make, and if

al meditated. A

my mind, your youth would be in favor, rather than against, the suc

cularly about going right

othing to preve

rst. I would not like to become a spy, sir. It seems

u the names of men whom you would not think of suspecting, a

at so,

safe in the rear of the room, unlocked it and took there from

h it, "are the names of our agents in America. See, I'll sho

name. Hal glanced at it an

are surprised," said

der that our agents ha

sidering nam

not, sir," ret

ok to his safe, closed the heav

r?" he demanded, as

seemed to hesit

n one condi

" asked th

o put my affairs in shape. I shall have to resign my posi

e Swiss ambassador's ball, which will be held four nights from tonight. There I will giv

ompanied Hal from h

y, "and the pay is big. In a year

aptain, and made

shadowy figure lurking in the doorway. His hand

d away from that revolver," cam

ed Hal in surprise. "W

lmost m

he low response. "I was afraid

t it is good news and not


e other

e guests have gone, an

mportant inform

rl into the drawing room.

back safely," he said. "I was

choed hi

l, "I've news fo

demanded Che

very quietly. "I'

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