The Boy Allies with Haig in Flanders; Or, the Fighting Canadians of Vimy Ridge
Author: Clair W. Hayes Genre: LiteratureThe Boy Allies with Haig in Flanders; Or, the Fighting Canadians of Vimy Ridge
General Pershing, the American commander-in-chief. The latter gazed at them
y are so
he lads' ears, but Hal and Che
are not so young as you seem to believe.
o lads in silence. The two boys bore the close scrutiny unflinchingly. At length General Per
General Haig have not spoken too highly of you; and yet," here the American commander hesitated a moment before continuing; "and yet the piec
l not be found wanting, sir
our courage or your resourcefulness; but, because of your youth, in this particul
t. Hal and Chester did not interrupt his me
It is for this reason that the task in hand requires the services of at least two men. One to go and come back, and the other to go-
sir, if we are entruste
er qu
ng hesitated. Then h
e," he said, and ma
eneral Pershing sp
" The lads nodded and General Pershing continued: "Very good. Now, I have before me a cable, in code, from the state department, which advises me that the department of state must have, at
glanced at the
r province to get list, but would enlist your aid, because our diplomatic agents have all left
signed by the se
k to General Pershing. T
gerous nature of the
importance. We shall be
of the diplomatic staff back into Berlin. There is one person in the German capital whom you may trust." General Pershing lowered his voice. "That person," he said, "is th
ember, sir,"
reach Berlin, nor how you shall go about your work. Once in Berlin, however
sir," said Ha
leave of absence. There is just one thing more. I want t
try; and the day when a spy was looked down upon has gon
ing, "the punishment is the same a
Hal added w
response, and a slight smile
d his hand. Both lad
don't-well, good-bye. I don't need to tell you that if one can get through with the
make, sir," said Hal,
anted," replied
to take a third man along. It may be that he will never reach
in mind?" asked
. He's a Canadian, and has seen years of active service
rizing his indefinite leave of
r, and passed it to the lad. The boys drew
s," said Chester quietly, as they m
ssion. It may be well that it has been entrusted to us rather than to older men. We are less likely to be susp
several times before. I recall that we went th
't stay very l
tay for keeps this tim
don't think much of th
s to do it,"
m not very fond of
o go-" Hal began, bu
be. I am ready to do what I can fo
uaint McKenzie with his work. And if he comes safely through
he erstwhile Canadian
, "you are about to
r? I hadn't
"I heard a man say y
," said McKe
to whom the few words told the st
General Pershing has seen fit
your guns are cleaned, and that you have an extra supply of cartridges. We may need them. Also, l
here in half
O'Neill's quarters. Hal presented the pape
omething up, eh? Well, I wish I were
k," he sa